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taehyung was getting better at swimming, and i was glad that i was able to help him do so.

since he was able to swim, and was also done practicing with me, he decided to have his break just near the beach.

the beach where i always saw him walking upon, above the sand, distant from the water that always created mini waves.

i joined him, because the sunset looked pretty that afternoon, and i wanted to sit with him, just for a moment and talk.

"the sunset looks lovely today, doesn't it taehyung?"

"yes, it does. it's really nice."

the cold breeze flew through our hair and brushed on our skin, as we both sat in front of the water, the light from the sun shining on our two bodies.

"was the reason you told me, those few weeks ago, about wanting to learn how to swim, the real reason or not?"

he sighed,"i was desperate to learn how to swim, because my grandmother wanted me to. she has passed on now, and i want to be able to do what she wanted..."

"ah, i see. i'm sorry for your loss." i patted him on the back.

"and, another reason i wanted to learn, was because of you, jeongguk. you really inspired me." he smiled.

"that's flattering," i smiled back.

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