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taehyung tried to make a good first impression, and arrived at the pools half an hour before i had. it was impressive of him.

i first taught him the many strokes, but the real struggle was getting him into the water.

he touched the top of the pool with his feet, but quickly backed away.

i thought it was going to be a handful to teach him, when he couldn't even touch the water without flinching.

i had to hold him in, as he held onto the railings of the ladder in the pool, tightly.

because he had no experience in swimming whatsoever, i wasn't able to leave the water with him still in there, he would've sunk.

so, i held him all the way, from the start to the end of the pool, teaching the boy who feared water how to swim.

despite finding how hard it was to get him to stay in the water, it made me feel a weird kind of happy.

i smiled whenever i saw him achieve a new success.

it was actually really fun.

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