Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - Best Of Me

Today is kinda the best day

Why you ask?

Well, it's the last day of our periodical exam and I had a good feeling that everything will be alright. I'm not that pressured for some reason. I even had a good sleep despite of me studying so hard and well for Mathematics, Physics and English

Yes. Those three are the hardest for me. Even for Author-Sunbae hahaha

(A: You little!)

Anyways, I wouldn't be having this good feeling if my friends didn't help me yesterday

Yesterday, they help me to learn the things that I don't know or how I should do it. They gave me the basics and it worked! I learned it fastly. Even the formula for Mathematics and Physics though I do sometimes mix the formula on both subjects. They get mixed up!

Right now, I'm answering our English exam, last of our exams. It's kinda difficult but hey, I'm doing my best to answer all of it. I'm also recalling what my friends teach me especially changing verbs and correcting some sentences

I checked the time and I've got 35 minutes to answer 10 questions which is very easy because I just need to change the pronouns to correct ones

As I answer the questions, I review my answers and checked if I should change some answers or not. When I feel satisfied with my answer, I stood up and gave my paper to our teacher

I went to the corner of our room, where my bag is to get it

As I went outside the room, a smile on my face made its way and it widened when I saw my friends at the hallway

I greeted them happily and they did the same but some hugged me

"Was it difficult?" one of my friends ask me
"Kind of" I said
"Don't worry. You'll pass the exam for sure" one of them said

I nod and thanked them with a smile

We made our way to the club house because our senpais said that we'll be celebrating because the exams are over!

As we made our way to the club house, everyone ask what their answers are. We shared some answers and I guess we have some wrong and right answers

As we reached the club house, there's no one except for us

We made our self comfortable. As we wait, we made some jokes and crack into laughter

"Omg Jade!" one of them said while laughing "How come your so good at making jokes?"

The other agrees while laughing

I just shrugged and laugh

"I guess that's the best in her" one of them said with a smile on

I just shrugged and cracked another joke which made them laugh so hard

I guess it's really the best of me


A/N: It's me again! I apologize for not updating but good news! The chapters will only be 30 + some special ones but don't look forward for it😂

Okie! See ya again~

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