Chapter 23

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Chapter 23- Wish

Sun's PoV

Last day of exams which means a day before the sembreak!

Today is the best day because it will be the last day that we're going to write or study for our lessons and exams!

For today's exam, which is Mathematics, Physics and English, me and my friends helped each other to understand each subject before the exam starts which was yesterday. We did a group study at the Tea house because everyone have their own reason to not to stay in their house or apartment. We teached Jade on Mathematics and Physics for she said that she doesn't understand a thing even though she tried so hard to study them. With patience, we teached her and she did great though she do sometimes mix the formula on both subjects for some reason. After that, we treat ourselves some tea and desserts made by the senpais

Right now, we're answering our English exam, last of our exams. It's kinda easy and weird to be honest. It's weird because it's easy for me and maybe to others too. I reviewed my answers and checked if I should change some answers or not. When I feel satisfied with my answer, I stood up and gave my paper to our teacher even though I have 35 minutes to answer it

I went to the corner of our room, where my bag is to get it

As I went outside the room, a sigh escaped through my lips. I waited for my friends in the hallway since some people are also waiting for their friend or someone. Ching got out and greeted me with her usual bright smile. We talked a bit about the exam when Chae come in sight. She greeted us with her simple yet beautiful smile that could melt anyone that would see it. Somehow, Ching got silence for a reason. I was about to ask her what's wrong when Jade greeted us which startled us

Or maybe just me?

She greeted us happily and we did the same but we all have different greetings to her. Ching would hug her, Chae would mess her hair a bit while there's me, just a smile and wave

"Was it difficult?" Ching asked Jade
"Kind of" she said
"Don't worry. You'll pass the exam for sure" I said

She nods and thanked me with a smile

We made our way to the club house because our senpais said that we'll be celebrating because the exams are over!

As we made our way to the club house, everyone ask what their answers are. We shared some answers and we do have some wrong and right answers

As we reached the club house, there's no one except for us

We made our self comfortable. As we wait, we made some jokes and crack into laughter

"Omg Jade!" Chae expressed while laughing "How come your so good at making jokes?"

We agree while laughing. On the other hand, Jade just shrugged and laugh as a respond

"I guess that's the best in her" I said with a smile on

She shrugged again and cracked another joke which made us laugh so hard

How I wish she could see the best of Her

Merry Christmas!
Sorry for not updating these past weeks or maybe months. I've been busy and there was a lot of unexpected things that happened and some of it is making me a big mess unike before😶. Anyways, have a great day!

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