Wrong Idea

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Keith groaned awake slowly opening his eyes, he somehow woke up before his first alarm this morning but he had a pretty good idea why.

He brushed his bangs out of his face to reveal his indigo eyes which widened as he looked down at Lance sleeping on the floor.

He blushed slightly watching his chest move in and out as he breathed in and out.

Keith didn't want to stop looking at him but he had to get ready and wake up Lance.

He stood up and tiptoed his way downstairs to get his morning coffee which he made trying yo make the least sound possible.

He sat down at his table drinking his coffee in silence and as soon as he was done he headed upstairs leaving his mug on the table.

Keith walked into his room and sat down in front of Lance, he didn't want to wake him up but he had to.

He looked over him scanning his facial features, he had long eyelashes well for a boy at least.

His soft tan skin was glistening in the sunlight, and his chocolate brown hair was hanging over his right eye.

Keith could stare at him for ever and that's what it felt like before he had woken him up.

He pushed his shoulder not realising he was blushing as Lance fluttered his eyes open.

"W-wake up" I mumbled seeing that he was beginning to get up
"Hey" he rubbed his eyes and a blush went over his face as he looked at the omega while sitting up.

"What is it?" He only slept in a shirt and his boxers and blushed upon seeing the boy look at him up and down.

"Nice shirt" Keith just rolled his eyes standing up and walking over to his closet to grab out his school clothes.

Lance was already dressed and had slept in his school clothes which must've been pretty awkward for him.

"Can you go out for a second?" Keith always got embarrassed while dressing in front of people but he didn't really want Lance to leave, but he had to.

"Sure" Keith heard him leave the room so he took off his shirt quickly and jumped into his trousers and then  buttoned up his shirt.

He turned around about to call Lance back into the room he turned around seeing him sitting on his bed.

"What are you doing!?" He screamed startled by Lance. He chuckled to himself before looking up at Keith.

"Do you wanna come to my next game?" Keith was confused by what he meant before remembering  he played football.

He smiled down at Lance hoping this was a chance to get closer to him "S-sure" Keith sat down next to him turning his head to look at him.

"Just one thing" Keith was scared of what he was gonna say next but he payed attention.

"I might've given you the wrong idea last night, were just friends okay?" Keith felt his heart sink, even though he's only known him for a couple days  Keith already had feelings for him though he wouldn't show it.

"Y-yeah I know" He looked down at his shoes and stood up shortly after
"Let's go" he forced a smile down at him.
It was the end of school and Keith was walking down the hall trying to avoid Lance which he managed to until he left the building.

"Keith come on!" Keith froze as he heard Lance's voice then he turned around slowly looking at him standing next to a bus and waving his hand at him.

Keith gave an awkward smile and headed towards the bright yellow bus and stepping on behind Lance who invited him to sit next to him, obviously.

Keith was given dirty looks from all around which somehow made this situation even worse.

He sat down next to him and he grabbed the omegas shoulder pulling  him closer.

Keith yelped surprised by the action and looked at Lance confuses
"You're on a bus full of alphas" he pointed forward at his team-mates.

Keith forgot about that for a second which startled him as Lance pointed it out.

He looked up at Lance and muttered 'thank you under his breath, as he scooted closer to him. Lance's dark blue football uniform made him look even better.

But Keith couldn't think about that anymore considering what he had said to him this morning and as the bus started up Keith jumped up in surprise and his hand landed on Lance's lap.

He smirked "Sorry, princess~" Keith still blushed at Lance's flirting but not as much, there wasn't much left for the imagination since this morning.
As they arrived all the football players rushed out of the bus followed by Lance and Keith.

Lance was holding his hand until they reached the door into the changing room.

"See you later he smirked as he went inside and Keith sighed slowly making his way to the seats watching over the entire stadium.

Thankfully Lance was able to give him a good seat where he wasn't too far but wouldn't be able to get kicked in the face.
After a few minutes both teams walked out of the building onto the pitch followed by, obviously the cheerleaders.

Throughout the game all Keith could focus on was Lance, not because he was the quarterback but because he looked so incredibly hot.

By half time Lance's team was winning by three points and Lance was hitting on the cheerleaders which made Keith quite angry at first but then he had an idea.
By the end of the game Lance's team won by seven points and Keith rushed out of the stadium to meet the cheerleaders.

He knew it was probably stupid but he had to try, he had to get to Lance somehow and this was the only way he could think of.

Keith stood outside their changing room nervously biting his nails, he knew he probably looked creepy but he didn't care it was his only chance.

Suddenly a girl with long white flowing hair exited and Keith ran up to her instantly which made her jump back.

"What are you doing!?" She screamed looking down at the omega, it calmed her a bit knowing it wasn't an alpha that had rushed up to her.

"I need to see the captain of the cheer team!" His speech was slurred and barely understandable.

"That's me" she replied her voice calming down and it seemed that Keith calmed down too.

"Can I please join the team?" She seemed to think through what she was gonna say before making such a rash decision.

"We are short of people, so as long as you prove yourself I guess so" She smiled lopsidedly at him as he shrunk back mumbling 'thank you' to her.

She extended her hand to him as a handshake and he obliged shaking her hand "I'm Allura, and you are?" She smiled down at him as he replied slowly "I'm Keith"

((Well sorry for this filler chapter but I'm trying to just get more characters in this so the next chapters can be more entertaining and you guys and girls will actually like it, yaaayyy))

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