Breaking the Rules -Keith

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Yo and first off thanks for 3k reads, now secondly I'll start doing first person chapters every now and then just for fun I guess, if at in the title it says a characters name then it's their point of view, just trying something new, lemme know if you like it or not, and lastly this chapter was a bit rushed because I wanted something that you guys would like, sorry for rushing but I still hope you like it. Now enjoyyyy~))

I woke up before Lance, which was a surprise to me considering that I fell asleep hours after him but...meh, I shrugged.

I slowly sat up and looked down at Lance, he was breathing slowly and all I could do was stare at him.

I slightly smiled to myself as he began opening his eyes and looked up at me.

"Morning" I said to him and he smiled at me as he sat up slowly.

"Morning to you too" he replied to me slowly, probably because he was still half asleep but it made me giggle slightly and I don't know why.

I slowly leaned in to kiss him afterwards though, I didn't really think in that moment I just missed him.

Even though we slept in the same bed for some reason I was missing his touch, his warmth...

He smiled at me as we broke the kiss and I put an arm around his shoulder.

He leaned our heads together and I smiled as he did, feeling his breath.

"You wanna do something today?" He asked slowly and all I could do was stare into his eyes, it took me a few seconds to answer.

"Don't we have school?" I asked slowly.
"We can just skip!"

He replied quickly which made me jump but I nodded and smiled at him.

After a bit we stood up and got dressed, I nearly pulled out my school clothes but I ended up just putting on some casual clothes.

Lance had put on some loose trousers and a dark blue hoodie, I put on my black shirt and regular trousers.

Since we were at Lance's I didn't have to worry about Shiro getting in the way so I had no worries, and neither did Lance.

We put our shoes on and headed outside as I held Lance close and rested my head on his arm.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we walked down a street that I've never seen before.

"It's a surprise" he said and chuckled, I pouted slightly but nodded as he said it.

I wasn't really into surprises but I didn't want to upset Lance so I went along with it.


After a while we arrived at a house with a large fence around it and Lance seemed like he was pretty happy.

"What's this?" I asked him slowly as I looked up at the fence and tilted my head.

He put an arm around my shoulder and smiled at me.

"It's an abandoned building house, was locked off by the police for a murder!"

I looked up at him, both in shock and surprise.

"And we're going inside!" He said quickly after I spoke and I gulped as he did

"But umm why?" I asked slowly as he pulled his arm away from me and started walking towards the fence.

I stared at him blankly and saw him smirk as he turned to me.

"What? Is keefie scared?" He said in a sort of mocking voice and I stared at him for a second before answering.

"No I'm not... and don't call me that!" I said and pouted as I walked towards him, I heard him chuckle slightly.

"Sorry, sorry" I nodded and smiled at him slightly before he started climbing the fence.

He sat down at the top of it, his left leg on the other side.

He reached his hand down to help me up and smiled, I put my feet into the spaces of the fence and took his hand to boost myself up.

I used my other hand to boost myself over and I landed on the hard dirt ground below.

Lance followed soon after and ran towards the door, I walked behind him and he turned to me.

"Ready?" He asked excited and all I could do was sort of giggle as I nodded at him.

"Let's break the rules!" I replied trying to copy his enthusiasm.

He chuckled and messed around with the lock a tiny bit, trying to force his way inside, but after a few seconds of trying he already gave up.

I giggled and pointed to a window near me "We could just break through here" I said slowly.

He shook his head and chuckled as he moved to stand in front of the window.

"Yeah I guess" he said as he punched through the window and cleared most of the glass.

I stood and watched him climb in as he looked at me and gestured me to come in.

I nodded to him and jumped through the window, going past Lance as he also went inside.

As I landed the floorboards felt like they nearly broke under the pressure of my weight.

They creaked loudly as Lance moved to hold me close.

"How old is this place?" I asked as I looked around at the dusty interior.

One thing that caught my eye was the end-table, near the back of the room.

It was covered in dust and a few cobwebs as well, it was an antique piece of furniture though, while the other things looked about 5 to 6 years old at most.

"I dunno, it was due for demolition but some weird legal thing forced it to stay up, it's been around here for about 8 years I'd say"

He shrugged and I nodded looking across at the bedroom.

"So what now?" I ask and he chuckles slightly.

"Well since it was meant to be demolished... I thought we could do it!" He said excitedly but I sort of jumped back.

"Isn't that uh illegal?" I asked and looked up at him in confusion.

"Yeah but do you care?" Lance asks and laughs slightly as he does.

I scratch the back of my neck and look down at the wooden floorboards.

"I guess not..." He nods as he moves the couch to pull out a metal baseball bat from under it.

I gulp slightly and tilt my head as he talks and hands me the bat "It's not much but it'll do the job"

I smile at him and nod "what're you gonna use?"

"We'll just take turns, it's fine" he says and I nod quickly.

"Then let's do this!"

Hey again as I said I'm just trying a new thing and I hoped you liked it, sorry for the bad ending but anyway I'll be making these updates more regularly, and now goodbye and enjoy~~))

Klance (Omegaverse/ HS AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ