Halloween Mystery

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It was October 31st and it was cold, foggy, and spooky but it was Halloween night, there was no cheerful music and no laughing children dressed in costumes, running around going door to door with their parents saying "trick or treat" and getting candy like they normally do on this night.

It was eerily quiet, hardly anything could be heard except the quiet voices, and footsteps of a small family of five.

They were all dressed up, the father was dressed up as a mummy, the mother dressed up as a witch, a young boy 6 years old dressed up as a bear cub, a young girl 8 years old as a princess, and a older boy who was 9 years old as a pirate.

The parents were talking and laughing at their children as they were arguing quietly about a piece of candy and which parent they should give it to, because both of their parents liked it, there was some fog spreading throughout the forest.

As the family was walking home to their house, which was about a mile away and took an hour and a half to walk to from where they were now, it was currently nine thirty so they would arrive home at ten thirty.

Looking around all they saw were dead trees with little to no leaves, a broken fence that looked to be rotting, marked the edge of the path, and fog everywhere they could see.

No one in the family seemed to notice that the fog was slowly getting thicker and thicker while it was slowly spreading throughout the forest at the same pace.

After walking for a while they looked at the time and realized they should have been home by now as it was eleven fifty nine and should have arrived home at ten thirty, they looked around but the fog was so thick that they couldn't see that far at all, by now they realized that they were lost and had been for about a hour and a half but didn't know where to go.

They slowly kept walking forward, and they noticed that their footsteps seemed to echo as they walked along the path, hoping to come across a way out of the forest, about a minute later they couldn't even see each other, because the fog was so thick, then the clock struck midnight.

They only knew where each other were because they were holding hands so they wouldn't be separated, then they were suddenly jerked away from each other by a sudden force, but they felt no hands pulling on them as it happened.

After they were jerked away from each other and separated they were turning round and round while looking wildly hoping to see each other so they could regroup and go home, they tried calling out their family members names, but no one answered so they couldn't find anyone, and they were more mixed up and even more lost than before.

Then the screaming started something was happening to the family, and one by one they screamed out for help and for their family, and as soon as they stopped screaming they disappeared into the fog and the next person started screaming.

The others were left terrified and hoping it was just a joke or a dream that their family wasn't really gone and disappearing, and they would find each other and get to safety, and away from the danger of the forest.

The screaming had finally ceased, the family had disappeared and was nowhere to be seen, they vanished without a trace, suddenly the fog slowly dissipated, as if was never really even there.

The path was quiet and the wind was lazily blowing some leaves across the ground, with a few leaves falling from the some of the trees, it looked like the family never even entered the forest at all, it was as if the family never existed.

And then the clock struck twelve o' one and the cheerful music and laughing children dressed in costumes, running around going door to door with their parents saying "trick or treat" and getting lots of candy, was heard.

Everything was normal again as it should be, nobody knew a family had gotten lost in the forest they didn't know anything about the family, or that they disappeared without a trace, or of the mysterious fog except the family themselves but they were gone so they couldn't tell anybody anything, it will forever be a Halloween mystery.

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