Not Even Human

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If someone offered me a cure, and I could go back to being human, would I take it?

That is the question that I ask myself every day and night of my entire vampire life. That's right people I am a vampire and have been for awhile, now I should probably introduce myself to you.

My name is Amelia Northern, I am 684 years old but I was turned at 23 and I have been searching for a cure for my problem ever since that fateful night when I was turned into this.

I was turned on Halloween night 684 years ago, and over the years it has become my favorite holiday over all the others there are because it is the one night of the year where I don't have to hide who I am, or what I am and can just be myself for once.

So in 684 years witch is 249,660 days I have only acted like myself for 684 days, and overall I couldn't act like myself for 248,976 days and if you put that in years I spent more time having to act normal than acting like what I am.

Even when I was human I was seen as strange and awkward, and I have been isolated by almost everyone, but now as a vampire I am more confident and I have friends I feel normal even thou I never will be because of what I am.

My friends consist of other vampires who are mostly older than me but a few are younger and I took them under my wing and taught them what I know, my human friends are very few as they are my prey because I have to drink their blood to survive that and they will eventually end up dying anyway, and even some werewolves although some of my other friends call me crazy.

Having werewolves as friends is dangerous but only when the moon is full, because their bite is deadly and as for as we know there is no cure to the bite, if you get bit you would die in a couple days and not peacefully it would be painful, if by some chance you survive the bite of one which is very rare you would become a hybrid half-vampire and half-werewolf.

I also have some friends who are witches they have powers are can basically do anything if they put their minds to it, it is not actually know how far they can go, my closest witch friend made my enchanted ring so that I can walk in the sun otherwise I would end up burning to death, which is not good from what I have felt of it when I had first woken up to this life and from when I lost it a few times.

Remember when I said that I have some friends who are vampires and are younger than me so I took them under my wing, some of that is a lie some of the younger vampires are abandoned by their creators so I raise them and they become like they are my own which some of them are turned by me, and most of them call me mom or act like it I don't mind this but if I ever found a cure to being a vampire would I take it and leave them all behind it just gives me another thing to think about.

Halloween is approaching and all my children made and adopted that don't live with me permanently are coming to my house to celebrate. And as I said most of the younger vampires that I have sired and have adopted decide that they want to live with me, and they are all boys as I have never met any younger girls that are vampires.

My boys that live with me are the 4 sets of twins (Sam, and Bram), (Damon, and Damien), (Demetri, and Demetrius), and (Raul, and Paul). The 2 sets of triplets (Will, Conner, and Travis), and (Mark, Parker, and Clark). Then there are the singles Roman, Perseus, Jason, Theseus, Alec, Felix, Emmett, Jasper, Peter, Harry, George, Fred, Antonio, and Dominic.

My boys that don't live with me are Brian, Clint, Bruce, Fred, Jacob, Embry, Jared, and Peitro. Although they don't live with me but they could have because my house is huge, they live in the house next door because they wanted some form of privacy because they are slightly older than the rest of my kids but wanted to stay close to me and their siblings.

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