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I do not own the quote/poem by Robert Frost, or the song by The Band Perry, they belong to their respective owners.

"Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice." - Robert Frost


Death is the appointment that we all keep. We never know when it will come, how it will come, we only know that it will eventually come. This is the story of how I died, or did I.

Hi my name is Marie, I am 16 years old and I live with my parents and their names are Mary and Thomas. My favorite holiday is Halloween and it is tomorrow, I can't wait my costume is already laid out and I am in the last class of the day.

My costume is of a black cat, it is basically a black body suit with a tail attached, then a headband that has cat ears and my black tennis shoes, I also have some paint on my face to show my pink nose and whiskers.

I should probably tell you some more information about myself, as I have already told you my name is Marie, I am 16, and my parents are Mary and Thomas. I have dark brown hair that looks black unless you look closely, I have a tan, and green eyes. I have freckles that are so light that you barely notice them but can see them when you look at me long enough.

I have no siblings as of right now, and I honestly don't think that I will get any and will stay as an only child but all is for naught as I consider my best friend Cassie my sister, as she also considers me hers. Cassie is also 16 years old and she has six younger brothers that are the ages 14, 12, 10, 6, 4, and 2.

When I asked Cassie if she had any siblings and she gave me her answer I had looked at her in disbelief and then she had told me that yeah my parents really love each other and they told me that they are not going to have any more children. And because I think of her as my sister I had also gained six brothers from it and they all consider me as a older sister to.

(Okay now that that is over, back to the story.)

As I was finally dressed in my costume, I met up with my friends at the local park that was just down the street, my best friend was dressed up as a witch and I was her cat, because earlier in the year she had said that we should do that this year. Including me and my best friend there are seven of us, and we consist of a black cat, a witch, a pumpkin, a zombie, a mummy, a werewolf, and a vampire.

As we all got together and we walked from house to house knocking on all their doors, waiting for them to open them so we could say trick or treat and then being handed candy to put in our bags and buckets. As our buckets started to get full about half way through our rout we stopped at our friends house that was there and we emptied each of our buckets into a pillowcase with our name on it, and continued on our way.

When we started up again we had also took the golf cart that our friends parents said that we should take, and we did as we were starting to get sore feet from going through half the town already. As were nearing the end of our quest for candy and filled our buckets back up again someone jumped out of the shadows and I felt something being thrust into me.

I never thought about how I would die, they say that when you see the white light you move into it and go to heaven or hell. They lied, there was no light I saw nothing but blackness, I felt like I was floating but wasn't going anywhere. There was no walls, no cealing, no floor, nothing but darkness. There is no sound wherever I am nothing besides what ever noise I make. While I float here some of my thoughts are why am I here?

What am I doing here? When am I going to leave? Will I leave? Did I actually die? Where am I? I come up with over a thousand questions, often repeating them because I have no paper to write them down. I have nothing to do here but scream and talk when I know no one will answer me, I can only think.

One day I thought if I didn't go to heaven or hell, is this purgatory. The place where the people wait for judgement or where they go when the judges can't decide. These are some of my many thoughts that I have, one of the many theories I made up for this place. Another thought I have for why I'm here do I not exist anymore, the more time I am here the more I worry.

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