All I Want For Christmas

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   I don't like Christmas very much as it holds some bad memories for me, I am always a little sad during this time but things have changed for me and I don't dislike it as much as I use to, although I remember how it all started and won't likely ever forget it, my name is Juniper I'm five years old and this is my story of why and all I wanted for Christmas.

My parents names are Mary Alice Evanson previously Cameron and my father is Jared Daniel Evanson Jr. or as some people call him Jd or just Jr., they are awesome and they are everything you could ever possibly want in a parent and to me they are perfect but apparently it wasn't meant to last.

My parents were driving home late one night because they had went out on a date for some time alone, so I was at my babysitters so she could watch me for them while they were gone, and our house was only a few blocks down from her house, I was sitting in the living room on the couch watching tv, patiently waiting for my parents to be done and to come pick me up so we could go home.

I couldn't wait for my parents to finally come home from their date and go home because, they told me as they dropped me off at the sitters house that tomorrow we would go Christmas shopping together as Christmas was only a few days away, they had also invited my sitter whose name was Julie Allen to the Christmas party that they would have on Christmas eve.

There was a knock on the door so I went to answer it because my baby sitter was in the bathroom, I grabbed the stool that was beside the door pushed it under the peephole and climbed on it to look through and saw the police so I climbed back down and pushed the stool to the side and opened the door.

They asked if my parents were home so I told them they were out on a date that I was with a sitter, they then asked what my parents names were and once I told them their names they looked sad and asked to talk to my sitter, who just came out of the bathroom they went into the dining room and began to talk but I couldn't hear what they were saying so I went back to the living room and continued to watch tv.

I knew that they were done talking when they walked into the living room, the officers stood in the entryway of the room and Julie kneeled in front of me with tears in her eyes, she told me that my parents weren't coming home that they had gotten into a car accident on the way home and had died because they didn't make it to the hospital in time.

She also told me that tomorrow after lunch that they would go pick up any of mine and my parents stuff that I wanted to get from the house at the moment and would be coming back to stay at her house for awhile until they read the will and if it didn't say something about someone that I would go to, it would be until they found a place that I could go that would be able to take me, a place for orphans who were kids who didn't have parents that were under eighteen.

By the time she was done talking I was in tears calling out for my parents who were never going to come back home back to me, the officers gave their condolences and quietly left the house to go back to wherever they had come from leaving us to cry and mourn in peace, I exhausted myself by crying and fell asleep on the couch making my sitter carry me to my bed and tuck me in.

I awoke the next day to the sun shining through my bedroom window and hoped that what happened last night that what I heard was all just a dream but it wasn't a dream so I started to softly cry into my pillow, I heard the door open and Julie walk over to my bed and sit at my back and rub it soothingly I turned over into her lap and hugged her with all my might as I slowly stopped crying as it reduced to sniffles.

She told me that breakfast was ready and that it was pancakes my favorite, I knew she was trying to cheer me up a bit but I didn't feel the least bit cheerful about anything and that was also because I remembered that Christmas was in a few days and I wouldn't get to spend it with my parents, but I got up and got dressed and ate my food.

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