Hidden In My Hands.

16 3 0

I think I am having an attack.

Now to blue,
I am sure black will ensue.

Now to yellow.

My hands go stiff.
Now they are seizing up.

Freezing up.
Slowing down.
My blood isn't moving now.

Constricted, conficted.
Why can't I fit in?

Pale and cold.
You'd think I was a corpse.

Maybe you don't understand,
Why I can't hold things in the rain.

Must be so easy for me,
I must be exactly like you.
I know you have your problems too.
Just because mine aren't like yours, doesn't mean I don't experience them too.

Sad to say,
You've become what you hate.
I can't stand the temperature change.
Maybe your hands are fine.
But mine are dead inside.

So don't undermine my pain.
It is driving me insane.

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