Stars that light the sea

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The moon is silent tonight.
It's smile doesn't spread across it's face.
Maybe it has been disgraced.
Or it doesn't have a fucking face.

The sun is cold.
It's usual warmth doesn't reach it's eyes.
It knows we lie.
Or how about it being a big fucking ball of gas?
Ever think about that, little lass?

Shove that up your ass.
I don't give a crap.
If the stars light the sea.
So I'll let you believe.
But I don't give a fuck you see.

Love ain't for the weak, it's for the strong.
Could you hold who you care for so dearly,
Without letting go?
Then clearly, until you are ready you should hold steady.
Love isn't for those who Fuck around.

This isn't just sound, this is a girl who has been fucked around.
My heavy metal heart, will sting you like a nettle.
I'll leave marks on your skin.
But that isn't a win.

Fuck this, let's get one thing settled.
Give up.
Give in.
You aren't as far in as I.

Did you bother to read the whole book?
You can't just pick a chapter and say you know every thing about me.

You can't pick a week and say you know everything about them.
We never truly know everything about the ones we love.

Trust me, it is better this way.
And I don't care what you say.

Forget my day.
I am gonna burn anyway.
The world kills me away.
Slowly everyday,
In everyway.
Leaving marks upon my skin.

They scream they shouldn't be there.
That I should stay a blank, white canvas.
Just so they can project their shit on me.

But I love my scared skin.
It shows I lived,
It shows I dared to love,
It shows I am not backing down from the fight.

Bleed my eyes until the floor is red.
I just wanna feel your touch again.

But you shouldn't feel the fault for my pain.
I tore my self up inside and you shouldn't have to put me back together.

Forget me.
Only I will regret me.
But I'll live on in this book when I die.
Don't fuck with me or I'll punch you in the eye.
I would die.
Only for her.

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