Day Five DAD!

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I went down to the beach, I sat down in the hot sand as I looked out into the ocean. I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see Garroth, " oh, hey, Garroth, " I said as he sat down next to me. " What's going on? " Garroth asked as I shrugged I looked into his eyes. I realized that I had on a dress and there was a dock. He was wearing armor, I bit my bottom lip as he leans down to me our lips graze each other until.

I woke up, I looked around the room. My face is completely red, I walked into the bathroom to wash up. I saw that Travis was alright, " hey Trav, " I said as he laughed hugging me " I missed ya, " he said as I smiled then looked over at Zane with a smile. I walked over to him " hey Zane " he looked up at me " oh, hey, Bella " my face turned red as I sat down next to him. " So, what's the matter? Your face is dark red " he looked over at me as I looked down messing with my fingers, " I'm fine, just an um, sunburn " I lied as he looked at me raising an eyebrow " alright, you caught me " I mumbled as he laughed I pulled out my phone and started listening to Florida Georgia Line Cruise, I started humming. He looked over at me he tapped on his ear so I took out of the buds " can I listen? " I gave him one and he was in joying the song, he was singing a little in a country accent I looked at him in shock " you can do at country accent? " He smirked " I know it's bad, " he said still doing it. I laughed and Tequila by Dan and Shay came on. He looked into my yellow golden eyes. " Bella? " I looked over Zane's shoulder to see dad, my eyes widen in shock. I got up and ran to him " Dad, what are you doing here? " I asked as he smiled I hugged him tightly, I haven't seen my dad since college after my mother died. I saw my older brother Luke I hugged him tightly " I missed you " he hugged me tightly. 

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