Maturity is Vital [For Some] : Jeon Jungkook

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[A/N] - Hello there! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


[Music I used] - Truth Untold [Piano Cover]


[Prompt] - Yoongi is fed up with Jungkook's act with Jimin, so he teaches him a lesson.

It's a Summer day in South Korea, the hot wind blowing like a gust of fire. Park Jimin sits at his desk doing absolutely nothing, but breathing. "It's real hot." He say aloud, with no answer. Min Yoongi looks at the boy out of the corner of his eye, "I know, just live with it." He hums groggily. Jimin smiles brightly and gets up from his seat. Then he looks to his right to see Jeon Jungkook, staring at him in disgust. "Stop looking so much Jeon, you'll never get enough." Yoongi says casually and Jungkook looks somewhat offended.

"I'd never stare at a pig for too long." Is his response and Yoongi gets up from his chair. "I beg your fucking pardon? I think you stare at yourself plenty," Yoongi shoots a glare at Jungkook, letting Jimin give a click of disapproval. "Yoongi it's fine, let's just leave." Yoongi shrugs, and gets out of his seat, only to step on a fucking condom.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was saving that for your boyfriend." Sarcasm is flowing out of Jungkook's mouth but Yoongi can't help but let out a miserable sigh. "Wow, Jeon Jungkook's yet again acknowledging that he's a virgin. What. A. Fucking. Surprise." Yoongi rolls his eyes while grabbing his stuff.

"Fuck you." Jungkook mutters while flipping off the older. Jimin slams his palms on a nearby desk. "Stop." He says, Jungkook only in disbelief at the short male. "Don't ever treat Yoongi like that, he goes through too much for you to pull that shit." Jimin heaves, and bounces. It's quite cute really, but Jungkook would never say that out loud.



"Alright then, I suppose that's so, I'll stop treating him however I treated him—shorty." Jungkook puts his hands up in defense.

Jimin feels tears spring to his eyes, "You know what, I can't go one second existing without wanting to fucking die. I know I'm ugly, I know I'm stupid, I know I'm fat. So why do you constantly remind me?" Jimin can barely breathe, and the two boys look at Jimin with a vidid expression. Jimin eyes both boys and whimpers in defeat, "And it hurts even more because I love the person who treats me like shit, no matter what anyone says about them and no matter what they do to me because their so fucking beautiful and I'd die for them because I'm so utterly useless." Jungkook parts his lips and smirks.

"What a joke, you think I didn't know this? That Park Jimin is so secretly in love with the one and only Jeon Jungkook? I'm flattered really!" Jungkook claps his hands with glee and continues to chuckle. A harsh cold slap is brought to him on his face. Jungkook looks up to see Min Yoongi's eyes sunk in as his face begins darken into a creeped stare. Yoongi kicks the boy over and over until Jimin is screaming at him to stop. He stops for a mere moment and inches the beat up boys face to his own, "Jimin, leave the room." Jimin is confused, only a cold stare can break his train of thoughts, "What?" Jimin feels his eyes widened, clenching his chest. "Now!" Yoongi screams, having Jimin grab his things and retreat to the door letting a muffled sob escape from his mouth as the door shuts from behind.

"Bend over." Yoongi says, letting Jungkook have a few seconds to process the words. "What are you going to do?" Jungkook coughs up red liquid onto the wooden floor. "Teach you a lesson." Yoongi can feel his patience slowly starting to thin, "Like you already didn't?" Jungkook has an unsettling feeling in his stomach. "Bend over." Yoongi repeats, Jungkook bites his lower lip. "Fine," Jungkook gets up from the cold floor and sets his crippled knees floor, letting his forearms face downwards. Yoongi rolls up his sleeves having the scene unfold in front of him. He grabs a ruler from his bag and shoves Jungkook's pants down making him flinch. "What the actual fuck, are you going to spank me for being a bad boy?" Jungkook laughs out pitifully. "Yes, because apparently no one ever did." Yoongi finishes his sentence before hitting Jungkook's pale ass with the ruler.

"Fuck." Jungkook clenches his jaw. Yoongi continues to slap Jungkook, "This is for messing with Jimin's sanity for the past six year," The ruler rains and and Jungkook chokes out in agony trying to let loose of Yoongi's tight grip. "This is for breaking my laptop in eighth grade," Yoongi makes sure it hurts, "This is for being an arrogant asshole and thinking you'll get everything in life because you're attractive." Yoongi can hear the painful slaps echo out in the room, and looks the see tears leaking from Jungkook's eyes. He doesn't even feel the slightest sympathy and keeps spanking the younger until Jungkook can no longer compose himself and begins to out right sob. He thought it would be an about right time to stop and conceals a few more swaps before he comes to a subtle stop.

Jungkook pulls up his pants and continues to sob. The tears running freely down his red cheeks. "I know I'm not perfect," Jungkook admits, "Wow, finally admitting to something." Yoongi rolls his eyes sarcastically. Jungkook sniffles and his face crumbles. "I've always liked Jimin, I was just never good with feelings." Jungkook looks away, "So you treated him like he was worthless?" Yoongi squints his eyes, "It was the only way I knew I how to talk to people I liked." Jungkook shrugs, "Real smooth." Yoongi studies his fingers.

"Also breaking your computer was an accident, don't be petty over something that happened three years ago." Jungkook pouts, "Excuse me? I worked eight months of pure labor to get that laptop—I didn't even get to spend three hours on it before you spilled coffee on it, I have every right to be petty." Yoongi growls and Jungkook mutters out a sigh. "In the thirteen years that I've know you, I've never seen you so sensitive." Yoongi hides his smirk.

"Piss off, Min Yoongi."

"Don't say that to the guy who's still holding the ruler." Yoongi grimaces.


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