"Why is this thing following me?" (OLD)

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I started to crack my eyes open feeling the sun shines on my back, I saw two amber eyes staring straight at me, It was the Raptor it seemed to have stayed here, I had no idea why though. "....Good morning.." She says in a sort of happy way though she still seemed a bit suspicious of me being here. ".. Morning.." I muttered a bit still grumpy, I really disliked Raptors but for some reason and I still feel like I can trust this dumb raptor. She Hops on my back and I cringed remembering the Raptors that left the scars on my back. "Woah...Where did these come from?" The Raptor stared at my Scars, I grabbed her up with my tail and placed her down "..They came from none of your Business..Why haven't you scrammed yet?" I glared at the Smaller dinosaur, She sighed "I just wanted to thank you is all..for saving me... again". I scoffed "Sure whatever...I just wanted you to leave but I guess you still didn't." I stare at her up and down "Oh..I guess we haven't really introduced ourselves...I'm Blue" Blue introduces herself with a smile "....Rexy." I reply not really wanting to, but it'll be rude not to do so.

I started to go out for a walk to probably find some food so I asked Blue to Stay there as I scanned for food in the perimeter, I heard some rustling in the bushes and I turned around to see a blue raptor tail sticking out of the bushes, I frowned and continued to walk already knowing who was following me. I started to move to the Triceratops herd, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to be hunting a Triceratops but they were big enough to feed a whole entire hungry pack of raptors. I looked for the most slowest runner and the weakest by studying the herd, I felt the same presence as before behind me, it was definitely Blue from the smell of blood. My eyes latched to my target, the weakest, and slowest runner. I let out a large roar to make them all start running. I ran beside the herd and looked for my prey, it was at the back of the stampede, and it was getting slower than the herd, I launched myself at it and flipped it over, it just scrambled trying to get up, I clenched my teeth around it's neck to finish the job, it started to die. I heard a Yelp from the herd "Help!" Blue says getting almost crushed, I rushed over and bashed my body against herd over Blue, I then grabbed Blue up and ran over to my prey I just killed and sat Blue down "What are you doing here? I asked you to stay for a reason." I said in a worried manner...I was starting getting attached to this Raptor. "I wanted to help you.." Blue says looking up at me, I sigh and nudge her "Lets go back to the den" I say helping her up then grabbing the Triceratops corpse.

We reached back to the cave and Blue was happily eating "Yummy!" Blue chirps happily in the middle of her munching, I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable Blue was being..Maybe all Raptors aren't that bad. After Blue was halfway done with her proportion of the meal, she was laid out on the floor, stuffed full of food. I just snicker before eating the last of the food up, Blue stared at me intensely mad that I was laughing at her.
"Sorry. Sorry" I say flicking my tail like how one would FLICKA DA WRIST (s o r ry but had to)
"Hmph." Blue turns away from me and walks further in the cave, I tilt my head wondering why she left soon she came back with her whole body soaked and she shakes water all over my face.
"ppft!" I shake the water off my face, I expect this was payback for laughing at her, She just smirks at me victoriously. I started to remember something though, I frown at her. "Why haven't you left now?" I ask looking over at her, She looks down "
..I don't have anywhere to go to...or a...pack to be with.." Blue replies, her sad pitiful face starting to make a bit of tears. I picked her up and placed her in the corner "...I.. guess you're not fully recovered yet so...." I liked trying to make up something to not show that I was giving in just because I felt sorry, though she just smiles at me and nods.
I started to pull down some trees and start to use them to build around the cave making it fully ours...I mean Mine. Blue just watches as I do so, in the corner of the cave. I felt something soft as I was walking past to get more trees, I picked it up and it looked like something warm to use as a blanket so I brought it back and threw it in Blue's face like every normal dinosaur would do, though I don't think she was expecting it dashing into her face from the expression she made. After a few moments of adjusting rocks, trees and anything else I could find, I went back into the cave to lay down and rest. I felt Blue as she crawls near my tail and arms and curls up there to sleep, "Cute." I mutter under my breath where she couldn't hear what I said. I had a feeling tomorrow was going to be wonderful.

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