Quite the Foodie-Saurus (OLD)

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It was three in the morning when I heard a crunch in the forest. It wasn't a wolf for sure, more like a Ankylosaurus and I was so Hungry. I slowly pulled myself up making sure I didn't wake up Blue who was curled up next beside me and she had extremely gentle snores, kinda cute-for a raptor of course. I gripped my teeth on some sort of sheet-like object and covered Blue's body with it to keep her safe and warm, after all it was the fall. I went out the cave and started to stare around, trying to find the Ankylosaurus, I smelt around, There it was, it's tail was broken from some reason, but it was perfect, it couldn't defend itself, I smirked and ran at it slamming my body against it, the spikes from it's Armor jabbed in my side, but I didn't mind. It was on it's back trying to get up, I roared loudly and chomped onto it's neck to end it, after it was dead I dragged it to my cave with Blue, I noticed Blue was gone and I started to frantically look around. What happened? why is she gone? Did she leave me? Why do I care? I felt claws on my back, my eyes diolated as I flung off whatever was on my back, Blue fell into the lake and coughs "Rexy!-" I immediately grab her up out the deep end of the water "...Are you okay?" I asked putting her down, She was panting quite a bit after gagging up water "Yeah-I..I'm fine" She says getting up and wiggling her body to shake off the water. I felt extremely bad for throwing her off Me, my memories were extremely scary at times. "Is that an Ankylosaurus?!" She runs over to it her jaw dropping "How did you get one of these without getting-Wait you have puncture wounds!" She jumps up on my side, I grab her "It's fine" I say before putting her down "B-But...you helped me...and...I" Blue made a sad cooing sound. I cringed from the sound, it made me feel worse "So how are you going to help shorty?" I asked lowering myself on the ground, she happily smiles "The Way you did!" Blue hops back on my back, I felt a wet small tongue lick my back, I grabbed her up with my tail adruptly "Oh..No No No-I didn't lick you or you would have been drenched." I glared into her eyes, specifying what I did not do. "Anyways eat up, I didn't kill that to rot in it's place you know" I growled and put her down, She looks at the Dinosaur Corpse and opened her mouth as if to tell me something or ask something, though she was quick to close it and she did as I said for once. "Good" I layed down, and closed my eyes, I wonder how Remorse was doing.


Remorse sneezed "Agh--! Stupid allergies!" He growls as he grabs out a tissue and dabs his nose with it, He pulls out a bottle of Liquid gas and drinks it, Of course it was fine for a guy with practically everything that was harmful inside him, well...everything that was Radioactive or Toxic, after all he was one of the first projects in the making of dinosaurs. He slicks his dark green hair back, some people couldn't tell his hair was green because it was almost black, He kept using tissues because allergies were one of his weaknesses, especially since he gets easily frightened by some things like that. His tail managed to knock over something again, how irritating, He kept his composure about it though as his tail picks back up what he knocked down. He felt around then grabs his notebook scribbling something down with a soft smirk "All that's needed is finding Rexy first then" He Laughs

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