Mrs.Kim POV

(Y/n) seems like a great woman. Is she really having a relationship with my son? I can't tell...

(Y/n) stayed here all day. I feel like I made a bond with her. She was very nice and proper. (Y/n)'s style is something else though....

I was currently fetching tea. She said her favorite was (f/t). Good thing that was the only tea we had. To be honest, that is also my favorite type of tea. I bring out the tray to find (y/n) sitting by the pool with her feet in the water.

"(Y/n), do you like to swim?" I asked as I poured the tea. She looks up with a smile. The assistant stands and pads over to the table.

"I do, but it's been long time since I did. I was always in the water during my child hood. But now the closest thing I can get is a long bath." She laughs lightly. I give a chuckle and her a cup.

"I usually take a cup of tea to bed, but since I have company, I decided to do this instead." I take a sip and shrug in the fancy chair.

(Y/n) takes a sip of hers and sighs. "I didn't realize time flew by so quickly. I spent the whole day here talking to you." She smiles to her self. I smile kindly.

"I'm sorry. I tend to get caught up in things. I would've let you go sooner but it has been awhile since I talked to some one intelligent like you." I shake my head, feeling a little guilty. "This was suppose to be your day off."

"Oh, don't worry. I had a lot fun." We talk a little bit more. After finishing the last of the tea. I excused myself. My eyes drooped as I walked up the stairs.

Seokjin POV

I wake up to someone knocking on my door.  I let out an angry groan and turned away from the door, pulling on more covers. Sleep is my heaven! Leave me alone! The door creaks open and I hear my mother sigh. Did (y/n) leave already?

"Jin. I'm heading to bed and everybody, except for (y/n), went home. I don't want her going out there alone." She turns on the lamp closest to my bed. I can sense her frown. "Seokjin. Get up! She needs to be taken care of well!" She hissed quietly.

I pulled my head out of the covers with a tired frown. "She is still here?" I croak out. Mother just smiles and nods. She goes over to the open window and shuts it without a hesitation.

"Why do you think I'm now just coming in?" Mom shakes her head. "Just take care of her. I am tired. Good night, son." With that, she left me with just the sound of the clock and the beat of my heart.

I laid in bed silently. Why is she still here? What about her boyfriend? I finally started to get up and made myself look presentable. I look out the window to see her mess with the pool water with her toes. I smirk. What is she doing?

I sigh and shake my head and headed for the stairs. The house was empty and quiet. Mom and Dad had fallen asleep by now. It felt weird. There was always something going on where ever I was. I reach the porch and jingled the keys.

(Y/n) looks up and slightly flushes when she sees me. "Hi, Seokjin." She smiles kindly at me and then focuses on the water again.

"Hello." I greet back. I looked at the time from my phone. 11:30 PM. "Do you like the water?" I set my items on the table and joined her with the water. I was wearing black shorts, and a plain blue shirt. I haven't put on any shoes yet.

She shrugs and looks at me. The pool gives a sparkling dazzle in her (e/c) eyes. "I do. But it has been forever since I have swam in it." I smile.

"Come and follow me." I stand up and guide her to the diving board. "Do you know how to dive?" I nod my head towards the board. (Y/n) laughs.

"Yeah! But I don't have the proper clothing!" She tugs slightly at her skirt. I chuckle and shrug.

"Neither do I.... but I don't care." I climb onto the board and make the first dive elegantly. The cool water pulls over my head and I'm completely submerged in its silky texture. (Y/n) was covering her mouth when I come back up.

"It's a little cold but I'm already used to it." I half shout from the distance between us. (Y/n) looks at the ladder with hesitation. "Come on, you know the water won't break if you don't jump!" I urge her to join me in the pool.

(Y/n) rolls her eyes as she climbs the ladder. "I don't see why it would hurt." She convinces herself. She preps for a jump but suddenly hesitates. "My clothes. I can't do this. I'm sorry." She turns swiftly on her slick feet. (Y/n) wobbles and lets out a shriek as she plummets into the water like a rock.

I see her fall in slow motion. Her hair a mess around her face. The dark floral skirt ruffles with the light yellow blouse. The sound of her hitting the water creeps to my ears. I dived in the moment the first drop of water from her entry hit the pool.

She was starting to struggle with the new environment she was suddenly surrounded in. I slung an arm around her waist and pulled her up. My eyes stung from the chemicals. Her head breaks from the water and she coughs madly.

I brought her to the edge of the pool and let go of her quickly. "Are you okay?" I breathed worriedly. (Y/n) nods and continues to catch her breath. I scooted back a foot to give her room.

"That was...something." She lightens the mood with a small laugh. "Thank you. I don't think I would've made it. I don't know what came over me. It's like I forgot how to swim." She fixes her soaked hair the best she could.

"It's nothing really. I didn't know that I could save people." I laugh quietly. It was silent for a moment. Only the waves of the pool and the insects can be heard. I stared at her as she messed with the water with a slight smile.

Beautiful. I wish I can tell her that.


But we would've never met. Why was it under this circumstance?

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