Hyungi POV

I look at the time for the millionth time. 2:00 AM. Where is she? Finally we both get time off and she chooses to be gone the whole day!

I hear a car pull in. I frown and go to the window. No lights were on, a great cover for seeing who it was with out getting caught.

It was the same car that I took a picture of and sent to one of the drivers that I encountered recently of the Kim family.

I put my camera  on video and started to film. I see (y/n) in the passenger and Seokjin in the driver's side. She says something and starts to open the door. She turns around and laughs.

Seokjin leans over for a few seconds before he leans back out and the door opens. I keep my hand steady as my brain goes crazy.

(Y/n) exits the car. In the dim light I can see her hair was wet and down in a tangly mess. She was wearing men's clothes. (Y/n) held a tight bundle made of a towel tight to her chest as if she doesn't want it to be lost.

She waves goodbye to the driver, Seokjin. My cheating girlfriend hurried to the entrance after shutting the car door quietly. Her boss was about to pull out but then parks the car. He exits as well, holding her knee high boots that she had purchased recently.

(Y/n) meets him half way after he gets her attention. "Oh, thanks. That have been bad if I forgot those." I hear her say. Seokjin laughs and shrugs.

"Yeah, but luckily I remembered to give them to you." He starts for his car. "Good night, (y/n)." Seokjin bids her a farewell.

"Get some sleep, Seokjin. You're gonna need it." (Y/n) laughs. Seokjin enters his car and says one last thing.

"How can I when I'm with you?"

Your POV

You smelt like Seokjin. None of your personal scent was on you. It didn't help that you were also wearing his clothes. This smells soooo good! You pick up the hem of the shirt and pressed it to your nose.

You walked past the stairs after locking the door behind you. This break didn't help at all. I got here later than any night the past week. You can't help but giggle at your own logic.

Your heart was beating fast and you felt wide awake. How am I going to sleep? You sigh and entered the laundry room. You turned on the light and started to do your laundry that you have avoided.

A few minutes later you finished and headed for your room that you shared with Hyungi. You padded up the stairs with your boots and purse. You opened up the door quietly and peeked into the dark room.

A form on the bed showed you that Hyungi was sleeping soundly. You smile. He's sleeping so cutely. A soft snore comes from his mouth.

You rushed to your side of the bed and slipped into the covers. It was cooler than you expected it to be. You shrug it off as you plug in your phone.

You close your eyes for a second before a ping on your phone rings out in the dark room. Your phone lights up with the notification. You grab your phone with a glare. I need to get sleep! It was a text message.

🤬Kim Seokjin😴: We work tomorrow unfortunately but come in at 10

You smile and roll your eyes. Why do you tell me now? You text back an okay and started to think about sleep. Of course it was useless because your mind kept thinking about what you had did with Seokjin.

(Flash back)

Seokjin grips onto your legs, stopping you from sliding off any further. He looks up at the sky and says something you couldn't focus on. His jawline...

He starts for the edge that was closest to the porch. As you reach the pool side, Seokjin starts to speak. "I think we should dry off first. I don't want you to get sick." Even though he couldn't see your face, you bent your head to hide the flush.

"Okay. Thank you." You were suddenly shy and awkward. This is a common sense of thing to do (y/n)! Stop thinking things!

The night air was starting to have a breeze. You shivered as Seokjin drops you off at the ledge. You clamber up the side and grabbed your belongings. You rushed inside after Seokjin and followed him quietly in the grand house.

You felt like a teenager skipping curfew with a boy. Your heart was beating fast and your mouth was dry. You didn't know why.

Holding your clothes in the towel, you left the steamy bathroom. You gasp at the sight in frount of you. It was Seokjin with a fresh shower look(again) with a pair of white shorts. His damp chest was exposed and brought a flush to your cheeks. Does he want to show off or did he think I was going to take a year in the shower?

You frown when you see a red mark on his chest. WTF is that?! You immediately walk over and examine it. "What happened?" You turn him to the light to get a better look. Oh my gosh! His shoulders are soooo broad! I can't believe I touched them!

Seokjin chuckles lowly as if he didn't want to disturb anybody. It sent a shiver down your spine. Shut up, (y/n)! It wasn't a seductive chuckle! You hate his guts, remember?!

"It's nothing to bad. Coffee. I'm just not good with hot liquid. I spilt it when I was at work. I bet you have also done that before though." Seokjin looks at you with a soft gaze.

"No, I'm careful. I only spilt once when I was in high school. But I bet you have done it loads of times." You spoke the same level as Jin. His skin is so warm...

"I have to go or my boyfriend will worry!" You exclaim as you quickly drop your hands and stopped your thoughts.

"Ah, Don't worry! I get you there in a half second!" Seokjin delivered his message with the same intensity.


Seokjin leans over you like last time. Your heart stops as he focuses on opening the door. Why can't the door work for me once? He turns his head as he opened it.

Your lips were merely inches apart. Your face sets itself on fire and spreads to Seokjin's as well.


Your face was starting up the red fire again. What I am I thinking?! You turn towards your boyfriend. "I love you, Hyungi." You whisper as you snuggle up to his warm chest.

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