Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes, I walked into the bathroom of my small apartment. I looked in the mirror, I look like my mother. She died when I was 17. When I say died I mean the townsfolk of Salem hung her an my aunts. All because they were witches. See my name is Alyssa Sanderson. My mother, Winnifred and my aunts Sarah and Mary, they were hung in the 16th century, like many of my kind. By that I mean witches. I am a young witch so you see being in Salem, I fit in. They soon got over the witchphobia and accepted the witches. That being said let's get back on track shall we?
I put on a black shirt and jeans then pulled on a leather jacket. I opened my closet and saw my red hair. It reminds me so much of my mother. Today, today is October 31st. Today has always been hard. My mother may have been a witch that sucked the lives out of children but with me she was different. She cared, had a heart, same with my aunts. I watched them get the barrels kicked from under them that night. I started to cry. "Mother." I whispered and clenched onto the necklace I was wearing. It was a small metal locket, inside was a letter from my mom, along with a lily. Like I said she was sweet with me. I wiped my face and slipped on my black boots. I grabbed my backpack and keys then walked out the door. "Alyssa!" My friend Eric yelled. "Hey Eric." I said "I know you miss your mom. It's been what 3 years?" He asked. I did lie. I have to change my story a lot. I stay in hiding for a certain amount of time then come out with a new last name. Currently I'm Alyssa Mayview. "Yeah I miss her. She died on this night 3 years ago." I said. We walked to school and I sat in my English class. In walked the new kid. Max Denison. Then Alison. She was a preppy girl. Make was very fond of her. I however could care less. "Now class." The teacher said. "The Sanderson sisters. They were hung on this night 300 years." She started then I didn't listen cause I lived the story. "Sorry goes that Winnifred has a child, a daughter of the age of 17. But after the witches died no one saw or heard of The young Sanderson witch." She finished and said something and the class screamed. I zoned out and grabbed my text book and started to read about anything. The bell rang and I was the first out of the room. I walked home. I opened the door and walked to my closet. I have a box that my mother gave me, it's filled with the wonders of my past, her past and our life before she was killed. I opened it and saw the flowers, notes and spells she wrote. It was true. I had vanished after the hanging in 1693. I was never myself after that. I watched my only family get hung right in front of me. I stayed hidden that night. I was hiding in my small bedroom. I had fallen asleep early that night...

"Dead mans toe and a dead mans toe!" My ain't Sarah sang. "It's ready." My mother whispered. I knew what was going on. I heard ruckus and I threw my blanket over my head. Thousands of voices yelled and there was beatings on the front door. I blew my candle out and climbed to the window. I saw my mother, aunts and the townsfolk outside. Next thing I know the barrels were kicked from their feet's. The fell with a thud. I silently cried knowing if I made any noise I'd be with my mother. I waited till the people were gone before I moved. I grabbed a small quilted bag and put my dresses and the box from mother inside. I ran downstairs and looked around.  I grabbed the jars that were empty and a few viles and such. Then was my empty diary. I put them in the bag and blow out the candles. I open the door and see my families lifeless bodies. I walked to them. "Goodbye mother. Aunt Sarah. Aunt Mary" I said "I will continue your work mother. I promise." I said I ran my hand over hers and then walked to the woods. There I stayed for the longest time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Salem 1993~~~~~~~~~~~~
I opened a letter that my mother had wrote.
My dearest Lyssa,
    The townsfolk have turn on thy family. Thy sisters and thee are frantic. We dont want you to return from the town. Your fate is a bad as thee. The book holds all thy secrets. If thy is not alive when you return, thy sisters and thy mothers fate is death.
With all the worst mother
It was true, I had only been back a few days when it happened. I was in what is now known as Boston, visiting Eric's ancestors.  I folded the letter up and slipped it into the box. I read each letter on this day, every year since 1693. The only one I had not read was the one in my locket. It was getting dark. I was hoping someone would light the black flame candle tonight. Seeing I couldn't. Mother spelled it that way. No one with our blood could light the candle. If so I would've done it a long while ago. I got up and walked to my small kitchen. I opened a door and pulled out a jar of my blood. Every year I make a small prick in my finger and drop one drop into the jar. This is for the reverse spell I cast to make me live forever. Once the time has come I will cast the reverse spell and join my mother again.

Alyssa Sanderson: the Young Sanderson witchWhere stories live. Discover now