Chapter 4

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I ran my hands through my hair, "You loved Thakery Binx?" Allison asked. "Sure did. He loved me. We wanted to be happy. Away from Salem. From the witches and everything. We wanted to get married. But my mother killed him. Every year on Halloween I feel his presence. I loved him.  To this day I love him." I said. "Would you get back at your mom?" Max asked. "Yeah. She ruined my life." I said bluntly. "We also have something to show you. Do you remember the night your mother killed Thackeray?" Alison asked. "Obviously I told you about him." I said. "See she didn't kill him. She turned him into a cat." Dani said. "A cat?" I asked. "This cat." Alison said. She pulled out a black cat "Lyss?" The Black Cat asked. "Binx." I said. "'Tis me." He said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my mother." I cried. "Don't be. Your not like them. Your not evil." He said. He walked underneath my neck and laid there. "So we are gonna kill them?" I asked. "That's the plan." Max said. We left my apartment and walked to a cemetery Binx led us to. "This is hollow ground. Witches can't come here." Binx said. "Doesn't that mean me?" I asked. "No. It doesn't." Alison said. We ran through and to a set of graves. "Emily." I said. "This is where my sister Emily is buried. Winnifred made my curse to were I would live everyday with the pain of not being able to save my sister." Binx said. "I can't. I have to go." I said. Then walked away. I felt as though it's my fault she is dead. I let my mother and my aunts get bad like this. I walked to a small bench. I read the engraving 'For my daughter, Alyssa, missing, dead, kinapped, wherever she is this is for her. -Kellen Jackson 1673.' "Alyssa?" Alison asked. I wiped a tear and looked down. "Are you ok?" She asked. "No. None of this makes any sense. My life. Me. None of it." I said as I birdied myself in my hands. Alison put her hand on my back, "I know none of this makes sense. You've lived what? 319 years. You've seen so much but yet you've remained good, pure. Maybe your not a witches daughter. We might be able to look at it when this is all over." Alison said. "Can we?" I asked. "Yeah. As long as you take the reverse potion to make you a normal person again." Alison said. "I will." I said. She pulled my hand and we walked to the group.

Alyssa Sanderson: the Young Sanderson witchWhere stories live. Discover now