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It's okay.

Your PoV

Have you ever heard that if you're depressed just enough, you can get drunk on anything?

I found out today that that actually is true.

Look at my 'kidnappers' who also happened to be the people I spent high school and college with.

They haven't had a single drink and yet they are already drunk.

Talking to a bloody tree.

Oh I know.

They're drunk on oxygen.

Or maybe they are just like that.

I don't know.

I just lean on the only street light and watch them tell a tale of rabbits.

To a freakin' tree.

Heck I don't even I know how I ended here.
I was peacefully on my way, when two pair of hands grabbed me and stuffed me in the car trunk.


And poof here I am.

These guys haven't changed a bit from the last time I saw them in college.

They were immature.



Everyone pretty much assumed I was gay because I was always with these two boys and never really had a boyfriend.

Oh I am sorry, if I don't go weak in my knees when I see a shirtless guy with six chocolate like abs. If I have a distinct taste for guys that doesn't suit the society's expectations of me as a woman then the society can fck itself.

Guys in my school and college were dumb.

I have two good examples in front of me who right know happen to be chasing a pup.

How on earth did they find a pup at 2am in the morning?

It was only later that I realise that the mother of the pup along with few others were chasing them as well.
They had woken up the pup because it was cute.



I never wanted much interaction in school but these nincompoops tagged along from the first day of the first year of high school and have remained stuck till now.


"Heyyyyy don't leave us!!! Where are you going bestie?!!!"

Bestie? Really?

I am so used to them calling me that.
It pisses me off but if they said 'bestie' and they were like ten kilometers away from me, I could distinctly find them.

Makes them easy to spot.

Both of them are good looking. Enough to make girls drool.
That effect still continues till date.

"Taehyung do shut it. Don't shout. People are sleeping. Give them some biscuits. The dogs won't chase you." I answered.

Hoseok immediately produced a pack of biscuits from thin air.

And then both of them started feeding the dogs.

And they didn't stop.

Just how many packets do they have?
I lost count after 35.

Pretty soon the dogs started to run, again.

This time away from them.

I want to slap myself.
But I can't cause it's cold outside.
And my hands  are comfortable inside the pockets of my hoodie.

I just rolled my eyes and continued to walk.

Pretty soon both of them caught up.

"So where are we going?" Hoseok stated in a matter of factually way.

"Hyung, it's almost three. She has work in the bar. Late shift." Taehyung answered his question.

Good. I didn't need to open my mouth, though he was incorrect.

"Oh tae tae, her shift ended an hour ago." Hoseok answered.

"Oh yeh, I forgot both of you work together. Ma bad." Taehyung giggled.

Why on earth giggle?

"I have a club to go to." I replied after a while, when I simply couldn't take anymore of their weird guesses.

Taehyung already had opened his mouth to question.

"-because both of you are leaving to America tomorrow and we need to drink one more time before you go." I spoke.

It was silent all of a sudden and I could sense both of them had stopped walking. I continued to walk.

And then they jumped on to me.

"Awwwwwww you will miss us!!!! Our bestie will miss us. Don't worry we will miss you too. Lots!!!!!" Taehyung shouted from the top of his lungs with Hoseok squealing as loudly as he can in the background as they both mercilessly hug me.

More like choke me.

They continued their bone crushing hug and I could hear sirens from a distance.

After the multiple warnings of staying quiet by me and occasionally some people who kindly shouted to 'pipe down', someone had called the cops.

Oh boy.

We would celebrate their last night in Seoul in a cold cell.

I knew what to do.

I sighed.

"Hoseok, Taehyung. Run."

And we ran.

We ran so fast.

Though the cops caught us.

Oh boy.

Bon Voyage boys.


Wine [Drunk] (A Min Yoongi FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ