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Your PoV

Yeh, so previously we obviously got caught even after running so fast.

I am not kidding.

We ran so fast. We were faster than the bullet train. I don't know about the other two but I was very fast. But somehow I was caught first.

Anyway, one by one we all were caught.
They cuffed us.
I thought the person called them because we were being to loud (only Taehyung and Hoseok).

"So, you guys have been arrested for being high on drugs and making a commotion and in that process disturbing the locals. You have the right to remain silent and come with us to the police station" the officer said as he pushed us on the side of the car and then inside the car.

Are you kidding me?
High on drugs?

That person definitely exaggerated.

But I couldn't blame the person.
The first time I met Taehyung and Hoseok, was when they were shouting 'Miracle, miracle, miracle!!' Outside my window three in the morning. First I thought they were doing a demonic ritual or something but that obviously wasn't the reason. They were shouting because they had successfully switched on a lighter. I too thought that they were high. Or stupid.
So no harm.

We quietly sat on way to the familiar police station. Why familiar? Oh because of Taehyung and Hoseok,, I had to get arrested and sometimes bail them out. Don't get them wrong, they always got stuck in the things they didn't do. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We walked into the station and sat in front of a familiar table.

"You three. Sit here. I'll call the chief." The officer who pushed us in the car said.

The three of us sat. We knew who was dealing our case.

"Oh god. Hoseok hyung, I haven't finished packing yet. We have a flight at 4 in the morning tomorrow." Taehyung panicked.

He panicked.

Not because he was in a fcking police station. But because he wasn't finished packing.

This guy.

Before Hoseok could say anything we heard a loud and irritated sigh.

We all looked up.

"God. You guys here again. Why do you do this to me?" The irritated person said.

He was about 5'9-5' 10.

"Noona, hyungs you're always here. I sometimes feel this place has now become your second home." He ranted.

"Hi kookie. What's up?" Taehyung waved with both his hands because they were obviously cuffed.

"Um sir, you know these three?" The young officer asked.

"I wish I didn't. You're new here Mark. Not only me but the whole staff knows them." Jungkook answered as he face palmed himself when he saw Hoseok struggling to scratch his back.

"Who was he again?" I teased and asked Taehyung who had long zoned out.

"Noona?!! How can you do this to me?" Jungkook cried.

"Yah stop whining like a baby Jeon. You're a chief not a child. I was just teasing." I answered as I stuck my tongue out.

Yes. The great Jeon Jungkook was our junior in college. He was a prodigy to have skipped a grade and studied almost the same subjects as all of us so hence we had common classes.

Excelled in athletics and black belt in taekwondo, this golden baby decided to go in the training academy and hence he stands in front of us.

Jungkook has dealt with all our cases mostly because he was assigned to. Our cases were usually false accusations or petty bailable crimes.

"What did they do this time?" Jungkook asked Officer Mark.

"Sir, they were high on drugs and made a commotion and woke up the locals" he responded in a monotonous way.

"High on drugs" Jungkook laughed as he massaged his head.

"Well obviously the person exaggerated but the commotion part was obviously true. They were squealing when we found them" Mark made an observation.

"Well you guys have to pay a fine or stay in jail for the night." Jungkook concluded and finally sat opposite to us.

"I'll pay. I would have had to eventually pay for drinks to celebrate you last night here before you leave." I said in a nonchalant manner and paid.

"Leave?" Jungkook asked.

"We're going to California baby!" Taehyung shouted, to which both raised this cuffed hands in the air.

"You mean you and Hoseok hyung. What about Noona?" Jungkook questioned. He was obviously worried about something the other two had no idea about.

Taehyung nodded.

"But noona is only left with you two. Her pare-..." Jungkook started only for me to slap a hand over his mouth before he could spill the beans.

"Her what?" Hoseok grew serious.

"She will miss you." I said, finishing Jungkook's sentence.

"Oh we will miss you too. We promise we'll be back soon." Hoseok smiled.

I finally let go of Jungkook. He looked at me sadly and I just smiled.

"Don't worry Hoseok, I still have kookie with me." I smiled.

"Yeh, but don't come to the station often or commit stupid crimes to come here. You can just call." Jungkook said as he fixed his hair.

Well sure I'll call you Jungkook.
Provided you pick up.

Which you obviously never do.
Cause you're busy.

Well whatever I, too, will be busy with shifting homes.

I am glad that we managed the 'Secret' situation.

Hoseok and Taehyung shouldn't know anything about my family.

The part that I am now an orphan with no one to support me, financially.

Orphaned after my parents were executed earlier this morning.

My lawbreaker parents.


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