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Your PoV
Time flies.
I sat in the shop.
Eating my what I think is my seventh lollipop.
Yoongi sat in the back.
The shade of the sky turning black.
There weren't many customers today.
Then I shall go back home.
Don't feel like going to the bar.

"Yoongi I'll head out first today."
I glanced at him and I get a feeling that his gaze had always been on me.
Throughout the day.

He definitely became close to me.
Casually back hugging while I sorted the cds.
Pecks on my forehead.
I didn't hate it.

As all these thoughts ran across my mind,
I find myself touching my wrists.
The slits had faded a bit.
I don't remember the last time I cut.
It seemed that I was falling out of my habits.
My addiction was fading.

I didn't want to.

Yoongi became a part of my world.

He was curing me.

A part of me didn't want it.

I headed up to my apartment.


"Hi. How was work?"

"It was just like each day is li-.. how come Taehyung and Hoseok are back from the States?"

They wore sad smiles.

Jimin walked upto me while the other two simple stood in their spots.

"I love you my baby sister. I always loved you and I am happy you are finally loved now by some else." He spoke as he grabbed my shoulders and connected our foreheads.

"Chim why are you crying?"

He smiled.

The whole room was ablaze.

The three stood there.

Why now?

The flame burns with colours I never thought it would. With each flare I know another of my few possessions is alight.

The flames reached them but nothing happened. They stood wearing smiles.

Their eyes ringed with tears.

"You found your angel, my dear" Hoseok said as he and the other two finally let the trapped tears fall."

The flame consumed my memories and finally turn everything to ash.

Only he stood infront at an arms' length.

"Yoongi" was the last word I find my self saying as I let my lungs fill with the smoke and only see the black.


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