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Your PoV
I woke up from a splitting headache.
What happened last night?

I look around to meet a very angry gaze from my roommate and my bedmate.

"Care to explain where you were till late last night?" Jimin asked with zero expression.


"Jimin, how late did I come?" I asked.

"I like your guts. Were you that drunk?" Jimin asked in a very sarcastic manner.

"You came in at about 5:45 am. Actually I sorta found you on the door. What the hell were you up to yesterday?!" Jimin shouted.

Wait a minute.

"You 'found' me? Didn't a guy drop me? Did you see him??" I questioned scratching my head.

No answer came back.

"Um Jimin?" I ask again.

I look up to meet a very dark gaze.

".....a....guy you say? So you were with a guy,huh?"

And he jumped.

On me.

We got into a bad sibling squabble.

Cat fight!

He held on me in a headlock and was rubbing my hair.

"Jimin you idiot!! Let me go. I can't breathe!!" I said as I mess his blonde hair.

"Jimin do you honestly your innocent potato sister will do anything with a guy? If you do, well then you aren't my brother."

His grip loosened.

He tried combing my hair and fixing it with his head and he kissed my head and messed my hair again.

"Well you are an innocent potato. But what were you doing yesterday??!!" He says as he runs a hand over his hair.

Agh. He has gorgeous hair.

"Um I was walking out. Lost track of time and you know how I am. I mix up the worlds of my dreams and reality. Sorry chim that I was late yesterday. Thanks for tucking me in and not letting me sleep on the stairs." I mumble, loud enough for him to hear.

"Aww my lil' innocent potato, I love you. Don't be late next time." He smiled.

Where am I headed?

Oh yeah Jimin gave me the address to this place he said they might have a suitable job for me.

I small shop. It's not to far off from where I think I was last night, or had at least dreamed of.

"Hello?" I say as I enter the deserted shop.
There were lots of music piled up in physical CDs. There was dust everywhere.

These were very old music CDs.

Eyy I found one of the year I was born in.

Is anyone hear? Am I dreaming again?

I started heading out when I tripped.

Oh great.

I fall and wait to hit the ground, but I never do.

I am whisked up in the arms of someone.

"Is it your habit of falling in people's embrace?" He asks.

I look up and meet a familiar gaze.

"And just so you know I am not dead to be a ghost. You are not dreaming. Not today, not yesterday." My familiar stranger said.

I froze.

"Now I know you can speak, Jimin told me. You are hired. You start tomorrow." He said as he gently touches my forehead and flicks it.


Before I can open my mouth, he closes my lips as he slaps a card on my mouth.

"You dropped this yesterday. It's important you know. See you tomorrow." He says as he finally let's go of me and tosses the card in the air.

I get hold of it.

It's my driver's licence.

So I wasn't dreaming.

"Nope you weren't. I am Yoongi by the way. Please to meet you again." He smirks over his shoulder

Um what?

I stand there dumbstruck.

"Believe in fate do you? Cause it's all it's fault. Have a nice day" He says and disappears in a small room.




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