Chapter 2: Stranger danger

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 What? This "creature", this "man", this "William Afton", just told Henry his freaking name. Even if that was one of the most dangerous things to do for Demons. Well, he obviously WAS a DEMON for sure. Henry clenched his fists, his breath was slower than normal. William tilted his head, eyeing Henry in a strange look.

-What? -He asked.

-Huh?-What? Is this the first time you have seen a fucking demon? Hah! -He sarcastically laughed. -What a joke! 

 Henry frowned.

-No. I- I just- I have never seen one--

 William cut his words short.

-In God's territory? Oh please, you must be kidding me.

 The way this demon spoke, it was like he had been coming to places like this... a lot. But why? That's the real question.

-Demon, I don't have time to waste on such ridiculous conversations like this. -Henry said coldly. -If you come to claim my so--

-Firstly, I have a name. -The Demon said, feeling offended. -Secondly, no. I am not here to claim your pitiful soul. -He stopped, his bright silver eyes settled on Henry's face. He grinned, a grin that sent chills down Henry's spine. His brain was not entirely in panic mode, but it was very confused. 

"Don't trust him." 

"Whatever he said is a lie." 

"His words are not the truth."

 "Danger is infront of you, Henry."


-Are you ok, priest? You have been standing there for a good couple of minutes now. -The demon, William, was now leaning onto the beautifully carved stone pillar of the church. He spoke so casually, as if he was just talking to a friend.

 Henry got startled a little. He always had that bad habit of letting himself sink into his deep ocean of thoughts, until someone or something decided to pull him out.

-Why do you even care? -Henry groaned. -And why are you still here!?

 William shrugged.

-I will go when I have what I crave.

 Henry got even more confused.

-What do you want then?

-I can't say it. -The demon smiled widely, exposing his rather sharp fangs to the opposite man, which scared him a little. -It would be less fun.

-I don't care, Fallen B--

-William. -The demon corrected him.

 Henry was so annoyed, he could barely think of anything to say. Cussing was really not a good choice for someone who was a God's follower.

-I don't care, Demon. -Henry said, slowly, every word coming out was etched with hatred and annoyance. -You are not welcome to stay here.

 William's eyes widened.

-Oh. Really? What would you do to get my ass kicked out of your damn place?

 His language was definitely meant to set Henry on edge.

-Just go. -Henry demanded. -Get out of this place, right now, or I will--

-Will what? -The demon talked back, his suddenly enraged voice booming in the big empty space. -You expected to use some kiddies' toys and those so called "magic words" on me to get lost? No! What the fuck!?

 William stepped forward, walking closer to Henry. Each step he took seemed to increase the coldness that had already existed in the room. He stopped right where he was earlier: face to face with the priest, only a few inches away from the other's face. His eyes were deadly bright and menacing.

-I told you, brat. I am not going anywhere, until I get what I want. 

 Henry was almost cornered. Behind him was the wall, and infront of him, that creature was towering over. Using all of his strength, Henry forcefully pushed the demon away, only to get his arm being held back by one of William's hand, totally trapped. The other hand slowly made its way on his neck, gripping tighter onto it. The sharp fangs sank into his flesh, almost making him bleed.

 This situation was so wrong...

-Kill me then, you Demon. -Henry almost stuttered. -If I am keeping something that you are looking for, just take it, and leave everything else out of this.

 William didn't even bother to do anything, instead he smiled, a charming, wicked smile.

-You are such a fool... If I end your miserable, unfortunate, pitiful life right now, let's say... Everything that I am doing and planning will all go in vain...

 The grip loosened. The Demon let go.

-I will keep you alive, but, just for now. -He added a playful chuckle at the end of his sentence.

 How great. Now Henry's life was a game for this sickening creature to enjoy, to twist, to do whatever the worst he could think of to. Just having that thought in mind made Henry felt sick.

-You monster... -He mumbled, loud enough for William to hear.

-I am no monster, Henry. -William settled down on one of the long benches in the church. -Humans are real monsters. Their greed, their desires, their hunger,... They are just fucked up so hard. -His expression turned into somewhat of a disgusted face.

 Henry lowered his head, not speaking to the creature again. He hated this, he hated the Demon, he hated his fate so badly. If only he had listened to his sister and stayed at home, having a normal life as a farmer, he wouldn't have ended up here. Was this God's will, to have him stuck with this demon?

-Hey. -The soft British voice came back after a while.

 Henry was too tired to even pay attention. He didn't want to put up another stupid fight over something just to entertain the creature.

-Hey! -It sounded much less softer.

-What? -Henry looked up at William.

-I'm still here, you know. Still existing and all that shit. -His sarcasm was probably the most annoying thing about this Demon.

-You chose to stay, you imbecile. -Henry said, frustration filled his tone.

-What? You think I was just gonna talk sweet-sweet-nothing into your ear like that and leave you be?

-I guess...?

 William rolled his eyes.

-No you dumbfuck.

-Then what!? -Henry tried to keep his voice down, but apparently, he couldn't.

-Remember how I said I was not going to leave until I got what I wanted from you? -William's eyes fixed on Henry's beautiful emerald eyes.

-I'm not deaf. -Henry said.

-Woah, rude. -William scoffed.

-Just say it already, you have wasted so much time, Demon.

-I'm glad you are very straightfoward. -William chuckled. A very, very suspicious chuckle.

 The Demon stood up from the bench, then he proceeded to take something out of his pocket. Henry backed away a little, in fear that it might be something dangerous.

 Just as he thought, it was indeed very, very dangerous...

 Oh God...

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