Chapter 6: The hidden and the obvious

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 William smiled nervously, yet there were still some charms left in that smile of his.

-Bierce, dear Lucifer, don't scare me like that.

 Bierce held up her finger, indicating William to stop talking.

-Where have you been, William!? -She slapped him across the face, which he dodged effortlessly and held her wrist back. He kissed her hand tenderly.

-Now now, don't be mad, Bierce, or you are gonna acquire some more wrinkles on your forehead. We wouldn't want that now, would we?

 William's words were like a charm, it soothed the woman's temper almost immediately. She pulled her hand back, wipping nothing off her shoulder.

-You are literally the one who is giving me the wrinkles. -She huffed in anger. -How could you be so careless and irresponsible? I thought I have raised you better!

-Darling, I am no saint, you know that. I can't always listen~ -He said, half joking.

-Well then, I'll need to release some more psychotic monkeys on you. -Bierce shot the male Demon a death glare, which earned her a burst of laughter.

-‎Alright, alright. -He chuckled. -I'm sorry, mama. I ran off like an idiot.

-Good boy. -She patted his head playfully. -But what could possibly make you run off, love? Besides this hellhole?

 William thought carefully, then said:

-I thought there's nothing that is going on in my little head that you don't know?

 Bierce rolled her eyes.

-Don't play back at me, young Demon. Tell me or I'll take you down faster than you can blink.

-Jeez, you are no fun. -William scoffed, settling himself onto the fancy sofa in the middle of the room with a "Thud!".

-There was this man... -He began. -He was a priest...

-Your taste is awful, William. -The woman groaned. -Why a priest? Of all things in the world, why?

-Keep your lovely mouth shut and listen. Alright? Anywho, he was kind of fun to mess with, he looks pretty adorable and he just... -William suddenly stopped , like he was in a loss of words. -... happens to have "those eyes"...

 The witch frowned at the crude description.

-"Those eyes"? William, I swear to Lucifer...

-Don't swear, dear, I am being very honest here. Yes. This man, this priest, he has a power within him. He doesn't know, but I know, you know, and frankly... -He grunted. -Some of our "friends" know as well...

-You didn't fuck him, did you? -Bierce asked with a slight hint of suspicion in her voice.

 William's lazy head moved up immediately, his eyes opened widely with confusion.

-For crying out loud, I am not an Incubus! Stop accusing me of fucking everyone I know

 The witch laughed softly at her friend's sudden annoyance and said:

-Who knows? -She flashed him a wicked grin. Then her face turned a little serious.

-Did you make a deal with him?

 William let his head fall back to its original position, not even bothering to answer.

-Oh my lord William! -She groaned.

-What? Am I not allowed to?

-Yes, of course you are, but just because you think he holds special powers, it doesn't mean that you could create a special bond with him! -Bierce retorted.

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