Chapter 5: An insight of the Demon's mind

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 I'm currently working on chapter 6 now, yay :'V Save my lazy ass.


 William disappeared down the hallway and chuckled. That angry shout followed him still, and even when he's on the verge of entering Hell, he still heard it.

"Lovely human", he thought to himself.

 Now, William was not the usual type to be so engrossed in human being, nor did he care about them. The only thing he cared about was how to reap their souls out of their weak body as fast as possible, while making them endure so much pain. He found it funny to think of the stupidly terrified look on his prey's face, begging him not to hurt them. Damn, he didn't saw that on Henry's face though. Henry was... startled and alarmed, or at least that was what William told himself. The amount of living energy in those emerald green eyes drove him crazy. He wondered why he hadn't pinned the priest down and sucked his soul out. That would've been pleasant... for him. He had held himself back properly, and that was a bonus score. He hadn't killed anyone. Yet.

 When William lurked inside that church, he was in so much pain. So so much pain that no one could ever describe. It was like going through Hell slowly, steadily and felt every cut, every stung, every kinds of torture down there. He wanted to get the fuck out, but he resisted. He had unfinished business to deal with. He sighed. The priest always showed up, he always "talked" to his Gods and Godesses at this very hour. Hiding behind the large statue of the Holy One, William let his mind wandered a bit. He thought of Henry, of those beautiful, shining emerald eyes. Fuck, he would love to rip them out and turn them into some sort of fancy bed lights, if he even wanted. ‎He hated to admit that this man he was pursuing was a run-away, but William could deal with it. He always loved a challenge.

 His thoughts were cut through by a soft and low chant of whispering underneath him. William slightly moved his head, and there he saw him, the priest. If he had had a heart, it would have skipped a beat. William groaned at Henry's affection on him. Was it too strong or was he such an idiot? Either was fine to him. Of course, he had to be the boastful demon he was, and scared the shit out of the human. "Great job, William. Be gentle, William. Fuck it, William. Fuck h--" ,his thoughts were jammed inside his head.

 He had assured himself that he would be a "good" Demon and settle things like the gentleman he loved to consider himself, but no, he was just fucking out of his mind. Again. Nevertheless, the expression on that gorgeous face of Henry was worth all of his stupidity. Bierce was always complaining about his lack of "profession" in his work and in his actions, and she insisted that he was still the same fool she met all those years ago. Heck, he was gonna prove her wrong anyway. He was subtle at least, and was frightening at most. He hated Henry so much when the shorter man tried to splash Holy (goddamn) water at his face, which was like splashing hot acid sulfuric at someone. A few drops hit his skin, and he almost, just almost hissed at that. Normally, he would release his wrath onto the fool that dared to fight him back, but this was Henry Emily he was talking about, he wouldn't want the light to die inside those shimmering eyes, would he then? Therefore, he spared the foolish act. He could see through Henry's soul, feeling how much hatred, fear and anger were boiling inside him. He wanted William's ass out once and for all. Well, his wish wouldn't be granted.

 During his small "chat" with the priest in the church, he found out that Henry was not a simple man at all. There was something wrong about him and his feelings, something hidden away, locked up tightly in the deepest of his mind. William didn't push, he knew how easily that could break the human's soul, so he let his curiosty waited for another time. When he told Henry to come with him to discuss their deal, it was a plain lie. Everything was settled right at the moment that drop of blood hit the paper. What would Bierce say to him after he told her the detail?

 "You are so..." ,she would stop to think of something appropriate to say, "...dull-headed, love.". And then she would shake her head like a mother losing her brain cells to her son's stupid actions.

 He decided to keep that aside. Yeah, that would be for the better.

 To be honest, William had been teleporting with humans a lot, but he had never expected the priest to pass out so fast. Luckily, this one lived, unlike some unfortunate others...

 "Weak being." ,William thought as he rolled his eyes in pity.

 He proceeded to pick the human up, but then did the opposite. He left Henry lying on the floor and go get something to drink instead. He would be judged as a terrible creature, but who cared? He was a Demon anyway, and Demons were always judged as all the types of terrible things, so a small action wouldn't make any difference.

 William sat on the long couch, eyes fully stayed on the human on the floor. The scent of champange soothed his aching "soul" and fully got his mind back together. What was he thinking then? Leaving Henry on the floor? Yeah, pretty good decision for a Demon who considered himself to be so wise. Hardly had he had any chance to redeem his action, the human began to shift. In a blink of an eye, he went fully invisible, carefully observing the confused man. Henry was kinda adorable when he was like this: vunerable, lost and without help. It had seemed like ages since he last toyed with a soul. Or was it his feeling? William couldn't tell. He reappeared right when the priest turned away and managed to scare him again. Oh boy, William was gonna love doing that for all eternity. But again, seeing his human yelp and turn grumpy in the future might cause some issues. He shrugged it off and talked to Henry, keeping his emotions down. His face was stone cold and somewhat cruel, much too Henry's liking. They talked for a little bit, William asked him some trivial questions that wouldn't require any answers, yet the priest remained co-operative and nice, which nearly got William to feel bad for his agressivness from earlier. He knew he was going to ramble on and on if he hadn't had a distraction. Holding Henry's hand was not a last resort. How could William describe that moment, damn, it was good, it felt better than he had ever expected it to be, and he kept it that way for almost ten minutes, which was kind of awkward when he thought it through. He felt embarrassed now. Still, the soft skin, the tender touch, how could the British Demon not like it all? Though, he was smart enough to let go at the right time. "I have to leave." ,he thought quickly and stood up. The questions of the priest followed him and he replied lazily with the intention of pissing Henry off. Again, he succeeded.

 -This is suprisingly pleasant. -William said to himself, taking a turn in the newly formed hallway. -I think I'm gonna enjoy this.

 With all of the delight in his menacing "soul", William joyfully returned to his true home: Hell. Everything was going smoothly according to his plan, he had had a good day, and--

-Love, just where do you think you are going?

 A feminine voice boomed out, and William turned around. Ah shit...

Forbidden Love -=[William x Henry]=- (AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें