Chapter 4: Every coin has both sides

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 Henry snapped his eyes open and looked around. The place was not the silent, calm church anymore, it was somewhere different. All shades of red hit his eyes like thousands of knives, and they truely hurt. Adjusting the glasses on his nose, Henry tried to put his senses back. It seemed like a very large living room with fancy decorations: pictures, portraits,... hung on the dark-toned wooden walls, -although he had kind of expected them to be Satanic-related, they weren't at all-, between the paintings were two windows with dark-red curtains covering them. A long couch lay near a few tall bookshelves with a small wooden table, ontop of it was a nice-looking lamp. Infront of him was a small fireplace, the dim light from the fire itself didn't really help with the darkness that surrounded that place. He wondered if there was any other source of light here. The light-coloured carpet under his feet was adverse to the colours of the wooden décors, it added a sweet and elegant touch to the room. Henry suddenly felt ashamed when he realized he still had his shoes on the whole time. They could have dirtied the carpet. Clumsily, he bowed down to take off his shoes.

-No need for that unnecessity, priest.

 That same voice hit him again. He turned around to see William -who was definitely NOT there when he was looking around- sitting on the couch with a glass of wine, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, he totally looked more tired and lazier than before. The change made Henry surprised.

-Is this your house? -He finally managed to say something out loud.

 Under the weak light, William didn't seem to express anything. Being a near-sighted man, Henry could hardly make out what the other man's face look like now. But he surely still saw those glowing silver eyes piercing through his soul each second he stood there like an idiot who had bothered the host of the house for too long. Henry swallowed the hard feelings down his throat.

-Yes. -William finally replied.- Do you think I live on the streets?

-No... -Henry played with his sleeve nervously. He honestly didn't know why he felt so on edge right now. -I thought you live in H--

-Hell? Ah, yes, that's what every human thinks. How foolish... -Taking a sip of his drink, the demon settled the glass onto the desk and looked back at the human. He gestured Henry to sit down next to him.

-Come and sit down. We have a lot to talk.

-I'm f-fine... Thanks... -Henry didn't want to stay near this creature, well, he was technically inside HIS house right now, but he still wanted to stay as distant as possible. He wished God had put an invicible barrier between them. Unfortunately, there was no barrier, nothing besides that awkward silence again.

 William wasn't the type of men who was patient enough. In fact, most of the Demons had the same nasty temper. With another snap of his fingers, he dragged the insurbordinate priest to the couch and forced him to put his ass onto it. A minute could worth a billion dollars right now...

-When I tell you to sit, you sit. It's my house, my rules. Understand? -His eyes shone even brighter, the hint of danger inside them was so obvious, of course, he had to make it clear to his "guest" in the best way he could. If his "guest" felt uncomfortable, good for him. It's what William wanted, anyway. He would always get what he wanted.

-You mean, bossy jerk... -Henry mumbled, his voice was low enough for him to not sound rude, but it was loud enough for the demon to hear.

-Says the one who tried to kick my ass out of his endearing God's "house". -William rolled his eyes unamusingly.

-Because you are a Demon, and th--

-Alright, no more shit-talk. We are in for real business from now on. -William cut the priest's sentence. -Before we go into any further details of this contract, I want you to vow to be honest with me. No lies. I will be more than willing to slice your slippery tounge in half and make you eat it if you dare tell me a stupid, childish lie. Have I made myself clear?

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