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"I have a meeting," he spoke, walking alongside me towards the pack doctor's office, "I want to have dinner with you after".

He had marked me yesterday, and it still felt quite surreal.

"Alright. You can ask me nicely, Damian, instead of being so bossy," I found myself smiling a bit, gently nudging his side. We were walking slowly for some reason, just talking.

He sighed, "will you have dinner with me?"

"I have to check my schedule, it's pretty full..." I joked, earning a chuckle from his intoxicating lips.

"Is that a yes, then?" He then wondered, arm brushing in a feather like way without him even realising it at first.


"Why do you cover the mark, Sofia?" He asked after a moment, us nearing the front door of the office.

"I'm not covering it," I shook my head, growing defensive. I tugged up the collar of the black turtleneck I had found and decided to wear today.

"Yes, you are. I'm your mate, I know," he replied, not too pleased, "don't hide it again. It looks so beautiful on you".

His compliment made me feel warm, but his demand didn't.

"I'm wearing what I want, okay? If you want to make me happy, that's one way of doing it," I gave him a small look, stubbornly proving my point to him.

He observed me for a moment before nodding, his hands tucked into the front pockets of his dark jeans.

"Alpha Damian!" A female voice called, and both of us turned back to see a young woman running towards us down the hallway.

"Miss," she bowed her head to me after arriving by us, before getting up onto her tiptoes to whisper something into Damian's ear.

For some strange reason, the fact that this complete female stranger was that close to him and touching him, caused jealousy to bubble up inside me. I knew this was the cause of the mate bond, but was unable to do anything about it.

Without even realising it, a growl slipped my lips and my eyes narrowed into a murderous glare at her, all three of us now standing in the middle of the long and large hallway of their pack house.

Both turned to look at me, Damian with a growing smirk and the woman with her whole face drained of colour and eyes wide.

"Sorry," she bowed her head again, before rushing off.

"Tell Jason to take care of it, start interrogations," he called after her, casually draping his arm over my shoulders to direct me to walk forwards again instead of glaring at the woman rushing away behind us.

"You didn't just get jealous, did you?" Damian then teased me, tone very smug and pleased with himself.

"I can't help it," I grumbled, knowing he knew that it was the truth. I pushed him off me, almost smiling at the genuinely happy grin on his lips. It was beautiful.

"It was pretty hot, you know..." he started, and I was already expecting the worst, "you gave me like half a boner-"

"Damian!" I glared at him, nudging a bit more rougher this time to put him in his place. When he started chuckling, I couldn't stop a smile from spreading onto my lips and soon joined in his joy with laughter.

We arrived at the doctor's office a few moments later.

"I'll send someone to get you and bring you to me. Don't go wandering off anywhere, alright?" We stopped and he stepped in front of me, dark eyes intensely on mine.

"Why can't I go by myself? I've learned my lesson, I can't run away," I almost rolled my eyes, but the slight hurt that he then felt stopped me from doing it.

He had already apologised for having to keep me here, but I don't think I could ever be okay with it fully. A part of me would always resent him for taking me away from my family, friends as well as my life.

"You'll get lost. This is the biggest pack house in the world," he explained, boasting a bit, "when you get to know this place better, I'll let you walk around by yourself".

Without letting me reply, he cupped my cheek with one hand and leaned in to press a light kiss onto my lips.

He pulled back and gave me a small smile, leaving my body tingling in his wake.

"I'll see you later, Sofia".

He walked away without any more words being exchanged between us.

I took a moment to gather myself from his strong affect on me before stepping inside the doctor's office.

I smiled when my eyes landed on my aunt, who I knew I could get help from.

thanks so much for 1000 reads wow! 🖤💦😍

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