Scary Love (Prologue)

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Hello, all! Waverly Earp, here. Back with another... Nevermind. This isn't a blog.

Right then. Let's get to it, shall we?

It's been ten months (exactly) since Nicole left, and honestly, it hasn't been that bad. I mean, I started going to school, I got my driver's license and a car (a red Jeep!), and I even have a job at the diner in town so that I can pay for my own gas whenever I drive to visit Nicole at the university in the city.

Nicole stays in a dorm, and I can't really go over there super often because she has a roommate, who, coincidentally, is Beth Gardner! Now, Beth and I have always been civil with each other. By that, I mean we weren't ever super close, especially not after her parents died. For some reason, though, Beth really doesn't like me.

I mean, I'd be a little uncomfortable after what she saw, too. We didn't know she'd be back so we thought it was safe to- well, you know. Turns out it wasn't.

We apologized a million times, but apparently I'm not allowed in the dorm unless she's there, and I can't stay the night unless she's out of town (which usually means, she's at home in Purgatory visiting Tucker and Mercedes).

Pretty valid ground rules, but in our defense, it was an accident. I don't wanna say she overreacted, but... she really did. Like, I get that it was awkward, but it's not a reason to hate someone!

Anyways, ever since then, I've stuck to only driving to visit Nicole when Beth is away (so I can stay overnight), or simply just talking to her on the phone.

I'm still living with Gus and Curtis, and they're not very strict, but there are rules. I have a curfew, which is mostly just in effect on weekdays. It's totally fine, though, because I'm usually home way before my curfew anyways. Since I don't hang out with my usual friends from high school, I haven't really gone to any parties since before graduation. My social life is pretty different, but not at all in a bad way.

I have been spending quite literally all of my time with Robin, who has probably become my best friend at this point. As you might know, Robin isn't much of a party animal. He's pretty calm and prefers a night in to drinking and dancing, so we don't go out much when we hang out. It's nice, though, because Robin is really easy to talk to.

School is going great, and I'm taking all of the classes I wanna take, I just feel bad because they're expensive. Curtis insists on paying for them, but Gus isn't super happy about that, which causes them to fight a lot sometimes. I use my paychecks from work to help them out when I can, even though they try to refuse it.

Wynonna is still gone, but she calls me every now and then. She's still with Xavier, who she promised to bring home this Thanksgiving (which I am very much looking forward to!). I really hope she thinks about moving back to Purgatory. Gus feels really bad about what happened, and she wants to apologize, but I don't know how Wynonna feels about it. 

I assume she doesn't feel like hearing it right now, because whenever I try to bring it up, she changes the subject. Eventually, I took the hint and just stopped talking about it.

Despite how great things are going (minus the kinda bad parts), I really wish Nicole wasn't so far away... I mean, I get to visit her every so often, and we talk on the phone every night, but I miss cuddling with her. I hate sleeping by myself, which is weird because I'd done it so many times before... But after sleeping in the same bed as her for so long, it just feels so lonely now. It's like part of me is missing, and honestly, it kind of scares me.

Not that I love her so much, but the fact that I can barely sleep without her there. I mean, I can but we usually fall asleep on the phone together, or on Skype. It's like I'm dependent on her, and I don't want to be, because I'm trying to be independent! I know I'm only 17, but I'll be 18 in a few months, and I'm already living like an adult anyways! Well, except for the part where I still live with my aunt and uncle... 

That's enough recaps, isn't it? Time for what you've all been waiting for...

On with the story!

A/N: Heyo! Welcome to the sequel for My Best Friend's Haught! I am very sorry it took so long for this to be started, but as you all know (if you read MBFH all the way through to the end), I have been focusing on my comic book company, ZYRA Comics! We started making YouTube videos and we were posting new pages of our debut comic "NYMPH", but things got a bit overwhelming, so we kind of slowed down and are currently taking a tiny break.

If you would like to read "NYMPH" (please do!), you can check it out on our website (you can also watch our YouTube videos on there as well, or you can check out our channel ZYRA COMICS). The previously required (free) membership is no longer required so you can actually read the comic and look at everything without signing up! How fun is that??

I would really appreciate it if you guys went on the website and showed us some love, because we've really been working hard these past couple of months, putting our heart and soul into this. It's my dream and potential career, and I would love it if you guys supported us.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter of There's A Honey! I will try to update this story as often as possible, but if I am ever late, please keep in mind that I am working on my first FULL novel that will be published through my company, ZYRA Comics! I feel really good about all of this, and I hope you guys will take the time to read the novel (and if you do, I hope you enjoy it, because I'm putting a LOT of time and work into this and I really love how it's going at the moment.)

Thank you so much for all of your support so far! I hope you all like where this story goes. Enjoy!

Much love,

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