Happy Birthday, Waverly

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Well, it's my birthday... My 18th birthday. The birthday I was so excited for because it meant that I'd be able to do what I wanted and see Nicole without having to ask permission.

It was the birthday I was supposed to spend with her, but here I am, curled up in my bed... crying because I broke up with her.

Ever since it happened, I always felt like I was doing the right thing; like I'd done it to protect myself... But today, I just felt like I'd made a huge mistake. Not even just huge, fucking monumental.

I made a monumental mistake.

No. No, you did the right thing, Waverly.

Why didn't it feel right, then??

"Knock, knock! Wake up, birthday girl!" Gus called through my bedroom door. "We've got a surprise for you!"
I groaned. "I don't want it, Aunt Gus!" I couldn't handle birthday presents, let alone surprise ones.

I thought they were gonna take the hint and leave, but suddenly, my bedroom door swung open.

"You don't want your goddamn surprise?!" Wynonna shouted, causing me to jump and look up.

She was really there!! Smiling with her arms wide open, waiting for me to get up and hug her, which I did as soon as it registered that she was actually here.

"Wynonna!!!" I cried as I practically jumped up and ran over to her. I hugged her and almost immediately jumped back at the feeling of her... what was that??? "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!"
"Yeah, you're gonna be an aunt. Surprise!" Wynonna chuckled, smiling widely, but it looked like an awkward, nervous smile.
I squealed, jumping up and down in excitement. "Oh my god!!! This is amazing! I'm so happy for you!" I'm gonna be an aunt!!

We hugged again, longer this time, my abdomen pressed against her baby bump. I swear, I felt the baby kick against me a couple of times and I almost started crying.

"Okay, but we really do have an actual surprise for you. You gotta come downstairs, baby girl." Wynonna pulled away and took my hand, pulling me towards the stairs.

Wynonna tried to make me close my eyes at one point, but we eventually decided that would be too dangerous on the stairs. I didn't need to close my eyes to be surprised, though. When we got downstairs, everyone I knew (well, everyone I cared about) shouted "SURPRISE!"

I couldn't believe it. Not only was Wynonna back, but they'd organized a surprise party for me without me knowing! How did they set everything up without-

Oh, yeah. I've been spending a lot of time in my room.

I smiled widely and greeted everyone one by one, giving Chrissy, Sheriff Nedley, Robin, Steph, Jess, Mercedes, and everyone else a hug. I stopped on a very handsome man I'd never seen before.

He was quite tall and athletically built with dark skin, buzzed hair, and a short but obviously growing beard. He smiled at me and somehow I knew exactly who he was.

"You must be Xavier," I spoke, smiling at him. It had to be. No one else around here knew a good looking guy who was so obviously from a big city.
He chuckled, giving me a nod. "Wynonna was right; you are smart." He held a small box out to me and I looked at it. The wrapping paper gave away the fact that it was a gift. "Happy birthday, Waverly. It's nice to meet you."
I smiled up at him once again as I took the box from his hand. "Thank you. It's nice to meet you, too."

Wynonna walked over and Xavier put his arm around her. They shared a brief kiss before Wynonna wrapped her arm around his waist and smiled at me.

"It's so good to see you, Wave. I can't believe you're eighteen!" Wynonna nudged me gently, causing me to giggle.
"I know, right? I'm so excited! I missed you so much." I didn't expect to see her so soon. Whenever I asked her when she was gonna visit, she'd always say she didn't know. I guess she didn't wanna ruin the surprise.
Wynonna detached herself from Xavier and stepped closer to me, wrapping her arms around me and placing a kiss on my forehead. "I missed you, too." I hugged her tightly, resting my head on her shoulder and letting out a content sigh. "Hey, where's Nicole? I thought she'd be here."

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