Long Time, No See

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"Waverly! Robin's here!" Gus called from downstairs.
"I'm coming!" I called back, grabbing my things.

Robin and I were planning on driving down to the city to visit Nicole at the university. Nicole and I had been planning this visit for a while because Beth was going to be home to Purgatory for the weekend. The plan was to go and hang out with Nicole, maybe go to a college party, and just check out the campus.

I gathered my things and opened my bedroom door, leaving the room and heading downstairs. I was so excited to visit Nicole, that I was practically running and not paying attention to where I was going, which caused me to run right into Curtis.

"Whoa there, pumpkin. What's got you all in a hurry?" He asked as he struggled to keep his balance, all while holding onto my shoulders tightly to make sure I didn't fall over.
"Oh! Sorry, Uncle Curtis... Robin and I are heading to the university to visit Nicole for the weekend." I explained to him, standing up straight and flashing a sweet smile at him.
Curtis seemed pleased by the answer, a smile spreading across his face and his eyes lighting up at the mention of Nicole. "That right? Well, then you two have a safe drive. And tell Nicole to bring 'er ass over here one day, we wanna see 'er, too."
I nodded, smiling widely. "We will, and I'll definitely tell her. Bye, Uncle Curtis." I stepped up in my tip toes, kissing him on his cheek.

I turned around to face Robin, who was standing in the living room with a snack in his hand, his bag draped over his shoulder.

"You two got everything you need?" Gus asked as I passed by her.
Robin nodded, tugging on the strap of his duffle bag, chewing on his chips (or whatever it was he was eating). "Yes, ma'am! Got everything right here in my dad's duffle bag." He smiled at her and she smiled back, chuckling.
"Alright. That's good, Robin. Now, how 'bout you, Waverly?" Gus asked, turning to look at me. She was expectant, waiting for my answer as I silently recounted everything I'd packed.
Toothbrush? Check. Hairbrush? Check. Sexy underwear just in case I get some time alone with Nicole? Check. Did I forget anything? Nope. I don't think so, at least. "Yep! I've got it all in here, Aunt Gus." I smiled at her, confident I had everything I needed.

I gave Gus a quick hug and kiss before grabbing Robin's sleeve and pulling him towards the front door.

"Bye, Mr. and Mrs. McCready!" Robin called out, waving his hand at them.
"Bye, you two. Drive safe." Gus replied, waving back as I opened the front door and pulled Robin outside.

As soon as the front door was shut, Robin and I headed to the Jeep. I opened the trunk and threw my bag into the back as Robin lifted his bag over his head to take it off of his shoulder. I took his bag from him and set it down next to mine, closing the trunk afterwards. Robin climbed into the passenger seat, closing the door behind him as I walked around to the driver's seat.

"Are you excited?" Robin asked as we put our seatbelts on, a smile on his face.
I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Of course I'm excited. We're going to see Nicole," I replied. It was ridiculous that he was asking that. I mean, I'd been talking about it all week!
"Well, yeah, but Beth won't be there. You two'll have some time alone." Robin nudged me, smirking.
I blushed, starting the car. "You'll be there with us, silly." I shifted into reverse and began backing out of the driveway, keeping my eyes on the mirrors. No matter how much I hoped that I'd get to be alone with Nicole, I wasn't confident that it would happen.
Robin scoffed. "I'm not sleeping in Nicole's dorm," he told me. The way he said it was like it was obvious.
I stopped as soon as we were out of the driveway and put the car into drive, turning a bit before I started driving down the street, glancing at Robin with a confused look. "What? Why not?"
Robin shook his head, reaching for the radio. He turned it on and started scanning through the stations. "Well, firstly, I don't wanna sleep on Beth's bed-"
He doesn't have to sleep on Beth's bed, he can sleep on the floor! I opened my mouth to interrupt him, but he held up his hand.
"Or the floor," he stated firmly.
I nodded, giving a small shrug. "That's fair."
Robin nodded. "Secondly, I wanna give you two some time alone. You haven't seen each other in, like, what was it? Two months?"

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