Undrunk Pt. 1

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"Waverly, wake up. Come on, baby." Nicole whispered in my ear, shaking my shoulder gently.

Her lips pressed against my temple softly, her hand giving my shoulder a light squeeze before sliding to my back. She rubbed my back a few times, kissing my cheek this time.

I let out a quiet groan, not wanting to wake up, but also wanting so desperately to kiss her. I opened my eyes and looked at her, smiling as soon as I saw her face.

Nicole smiled back, her hand moving all the way down to the small of my back. "Good morning, my love." She muttered, kissing my cheek again.
I closed my eyes, smiling. "You missed," I teased.

Nicole chuckled as her lips disappeared from my cheek and reappeared on my lips. I kissed her back, giving a sigh of content. She pulled away after a few seconds, and smiled at me as she ran her fingers through my hair. I rolled over onto my back and stretched, letting out a yawn as I did. The shirt I was wearing revealed my stomach when I raised my arms above my head, which prompted Nicole to tickle my bare skin lightly with her fingers. I reacted immediately, putting my arms down to push her hand away, smiling.

"Stop! Don't do that!" I squealed as her hands moved to my sides and she tried to tickle me again.
Nicole chuckled, her hands stopping in their place. "Okay, okay."

Instead, she took her place on the bed next to me and rested her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist. I immediately reciprocated, wrapping my arms around her and running my fingers through her hair.

"This is nice," I muttered, allowing my eyes to drift shut as we sank into each other, becoming comfortable.
Nicole nodded a bit, giving off a sigh. "Yeah... it really is."
"I love you," I told her. The words felt so good to say in person, like I'd been holding them in for years.
Nicole tightened her embrace. "I love you, too."

Just hearing her say it back my heart pound, even though we'd said it almost a million times at this point.

Nicole chuckled, smiling. "Your heart's pounding, Wave."
I laughed in surprise, having not expected her to hear it, even though her ear was against my chest. "I know. That's what you do to me..."
Nicole lifted her head and looked at me with a smile. "That's a good thing, right?"
"Of course it's a good thing. Why wouldn't it be?"

Nicole shrugged, kissing my jawline instead of answering my question. I didn't mind, though. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of her lips on my skin. She pressed her lips against mine, and I kissed her back.

I grabbed at Nicole's shirt, pulling her against my body as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my legs around her waist and she moved her hips a bit, grinding against me. I moaned, now running my fingers through her hair.

We were completely lost in each other, tugging and pulling on each other's clothes... at least until there was a knock on the door. We pulled apart and Nicole stood up, fixing her shirt as she walked over to the door. She opened it and smiled when she saw Robin standing there with her friend Jeremy.

"Hey, you two. Come on in," Nicole spoke, stepping aside to let them into the room.
I sat up, fixing my shirt as best I could so that they didn't see anything. "Hey, guys!" I greeted cheerfully, smiling brightly as they entered the room.
Robin noticed me fixing my shirt and smirked. "Hey, Waves. Did you have a good night?" He asked, tilting his head to the side while his smirk turned into an impish grin.
I rolled my eyes at him, my smile never going away. "Yes, we had a lovely night. Thank you, Robin."
"You're welcome," Robin replied, plopping himself down on the bed, right next to me.

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