Useless Phrases

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After wandering around campus for a little while, just trying to find someone- anyone else to get a ride from, I was exhausted. I'd been walking around for hours! I couldn't call Rosita or any of Nicole's friends because, well, let's face it, they were probably pissed at me for breaking Nicole's heart. Hell, I was pissed at myself for breaking Nicole's heart, but I was more pissed at Wynonna for leaving me with no way to get back home.

I tried Jeremy, but he was busy; like, elbows deep in a science project busy. Plus, apparently his car wasn't working? I didn't really know for sure, all I knew was that I had absolutely no choice but to ask Nicole for help. Wynonna really must've thought this through. I mean, I didn't even have enough money for a Lyft!!

I huffed, slipping my phone into my pocket before making my way through to the building Nicole's dorm was in. I took a deep breath, muttering over and over to myself that it was gonna be okay. This was okay. Just knock on her door and ask her for a ride home, that's all. That's all...

And yet it seemed like the most complicated thing ever.

When I got to Nicole's dorm, I almost turned around and left. My heart was beating out of my chest... How was I supposed to just show up and ask her for a ride after what I said to her the last time I was here?

I straightened up and cleared my throat, raising my hand to knock on the door. I waited a few seconds after actually knocking, chewing on my bottom lip nervously until the door opened. Nicole stood there, wearing a tank top and pajama pants, her eyes wide as she stared at me.

"Um... Hi," was all I managed to get out, immediately looking down at the ground to avoid making eye contact with her any longer.
"Hi," she responded, her voice soft and quiet. "What are you doing here?" She was confused, and understandably so.
I sighed, building up the courage to look at her again. "Wynonna tricked me. She told me we were going for a drive, but instead she drove me here and locked me out of the car as soon as I got out and then she drove away and just left me here, so I need a ride home... If you have time."
Nicole scoffed, furrowing her eyebrows. "We're not even on speaking terms, Waverly. You couldn't ask anybody else?" She was pissed. Of course she was pissed... But God, I missed the way she said my name.
"I tried, okay? You weren't exactly my first choice." I felt bad for saying that, but it was true! I'd tried my best to avoid having to ask Nicole for a reason. "I really do need a ride, though."

Nicole looked at me for a few seconds, her glare softening and turning into just a gaze. Fuck, I missed her. I really did. We maintained eye contact for almost two minutes before Nicole huffed and gave a shrug.

"Fine. I'll give you a ride home," she sighed, turning around and closing the door behind her, disappearing into her dorm.

I stood outside, fidgeting as I waited for her to come back out. When she did, she was wearing a jacket, and she'd changed into a pair of jeans and put some shoes on. She held her keys in her hand, closing the door as she exited the room.

I swallowed hard, immediately backing up and looking away from her. "Are- are you sure? I don't wanna bother you," I insisted.
Nicole shook her head as she locked the door, letting out a soft sigh. "Yeah, why not? Besides, it's a little late for that."

When she said that, I felt really bad. I'd bothered her, and for what? Just because Wynonna was messing around and left me? It wasn't Nicole's fault so why punish her?

"No, seriously, I can just keep asking around. It's fine, Nicole." I couldn't let her do this after knowing I'd bothered her. It felt extremely selfish.
Nicole rolled her eyes. "I said it's too late. Let's just get this over with and get you home, alright? There's no need to draw this out any more than it needs to be."

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