Undrunk Pt. 2

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As soon as I saw Nicole dancing with the other girl, I felt my heart sink. I mean, I guess I didn't have a right to be bothered. After all, I had just been dancing with Rosita... but we'd barely touched. All we did was dance around each other, not against each other.

This was different. This girl had a purpose, and I'm pretty sure that purpose was to seduce Nicole. At least, that's what it looked like to me. Nicole looked... well, drunk. It was hard to tell how drunk, really, but I knew she wouldn't do this if she was sober.

But then again... Maybe I don't know Nicole as well as I thought I did. She has been away for ten months...

The girl turned around to face Nicole, the fronts of their bodies now touching, her hands tangled up in Nicole's hair. I watched, my hands beginning to shake as I hope this wasn't what I thought it was.

Should I stop them??

Before I'd fully decided, I walked over to them and pushed the girl away from Nicole; not in a rough or aggressive manner, just... to get her the hell away from my girlfriend! Nicole looked at me, shocked at what I'd just done, and I didn't even know what the bitch was doing, because I didn't really look at her to be completely honest with you.

"Hey, baby! Where were you?" Nicole asked, breaking out into a small smile and putting her hand on my shoulder before leaning in to place a kiss on my cheek.
I shrugged her hand off, stepping back to give her a look. Furrowing my eyebrows at her, I shook my head. "What the hell were you just doing?" I asked her, my arms crossed over my chest.
Nicole glanced at the girl and then looked back at me, shrugging a bit. "We were just dancing, Wave. It didn't mean anything," she reassured me.
"Yeah, Wave. It didn't mean anything," the girl spoke, stepping up to Nicole and wrapping her arm around her shoulders. She turned her head to the side, placing a messy kiss on Nicole's cheek before look back at me. "You should really learn to share."
I scoffed, looking at her. "Excuse me?" I should learn to share??

The girl detached herself from Nicole and stepped towards me, looking up and down as she walked closer.

"From what I've seen, you haven't been around much. Poor Nicole needs some attention. I was here to give it to her," she told me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, feeling myself get absolutely heated at her words.
"Right now! You were off doing God knows what, leaving Nikki all by her lonesome!" The girl told me, shaking her head. "Thank God she had me... If you'd stayed away just a few seconds longer, I would've been able to convince her to finally come back to my dorm... I'd have been able to show her a real good time."

I slapped her across her face, feeling Nicole grab me before I could lunge at her. Nicole pulled me away, her hands firm yet gentle around my arms.

"Waverly, stop! Come on!" Nicole told me as I tried to get away from her so that I could back and fuck that bitch up! Whoever the hell she was, I just wanted to... Ugh!!

I pulled myself away from Nicole and stormed out of the apartment, not looking back. I was so angry. Not only had Nicole been dancing with whatever her name is, but that bitch seriously wanted to sleep with her!!

"Waverly, I swear, I didn't do anything!" Nicole called out as she followed me out of the party and through the hallway of Doc's apartment building.
"That's certainly not what it looked like. It looked like you were doing a lot of things," I snapped back, not turning around to look at her.
"It wasn't what it looked like, I swear. Waves!"

She grabbed my wrist gently, pulling me back to stop me. I spun around and yanked my arm away from her, pulling my hand from her grip.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled at her, shoving her back by her shoulders.
Nicole grunted as she stumbled back, a look of hurt and confusion etched across her face. "Waverly, what the hell??" She asked, not understanding why I was so angry.
"She wanted to have sex with you, Nicole! And you let her dance all over you!" I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes.

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