12 Seconds Short of Eternity Ch. 3

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Arcade leapt up to stand in front of Amaliel. Raphael landed hard, his knees buckled as he slumped forward against Arcade's. Arcade wrapped his arms about Raphael and lowered him to the ground as the rest of the picnic group ran to join them. Yama, ever the mother, went straight to Amaliel, as the others aided the injured healer.

"Behemoth...I was gathering lichen to make healing salves and she attacked me. Her abilities have grown...I barely escaped! She is going towards the Souk." He managed to get out, before losing consciousness.

Lucifer spoke first. "Amaliel, Yama, Could you please stay and help Raphael? If we fail to stop Behemoth do not confront her, only face her to protect yourselves, otherwise move aside and let her pass. Everyone else is coming with me. It is going to take us all to turn our sister around and send her back to the plains."

Lucifer summoned his armor. This made a slight noise, as the necessary molecules pulled from surrounding objects. They coalesced into silver and bright blue body armor. A rounded helmet appeared with a slight point. It was inlaid with Lapis Lazuli in the design of star constellations. Matching chest and back plates had a five-point inverted star above the heart, it was larger than the others, the Morningstar. Arm and leg coverings of interlaced metal scales vanished into his gauntlets and boots. His broadsword hung in a blue leather sheath from a belt about the waist, eager to swing free.

The other Angels summoned their armor and Harii as Yama and Amaliel knelt beside Raphael's prone body. Yama wiped the blood from his face while speaking with soft tones to relax the healer. Amaliel searched his shoulder bag for anything that could help.

"Behemoth," Michael said as he cinched his sword belt, "Well, at least she won't be hard to track."

Carnaval lowered the visor on her helmet. Her hair trailed out from under it, twisting across her chest plate as she turned to face Lucifer.

"I'm concerned though, Lou. The first time Angels confronted the beast, it took seven of them to drive her out to the Great Plains. There are only five of us now, and she is stronger than before. What is our plan?"

"Our plan? A wing and a prayer." Lucifer answered as he spread his Hárii and took to the sky, quickly followed by the other four.

As they flew West, the group looked about for any sign of Behemoth. Michael seized the opportunity to cast a quick look towards Carnaval. He chose these moments rarely. Even in her armor Carnaval moved with grace, an elegance that no other Angel displayed. Arcade interrupted Michael's thoughts as he called out.

"Behemoth! Off to the left about four hundred feet, headed this way."

The search had gone quicker than Lucifer had anticipated. She was nearer to the river and Eden then he would have liked. The five flew over to Behemoth and pulled up, hovering well above the beast of an Angel. She was huge, three times the size of an elephant, with similar grey skin, but the hide was impervious to any type of blade or arrow. Her head, round and textured like an orange, was too big for her immense body. Slits were visible where the nose should be, and a lipless mouth held two rows of flat-topped teeth. Perfect for grinding and chomping. The eyes had two sets of eyelids. An outer, normal set of lids that closed during sleep, while the inner set was clear, for underwater and blocking dust. She was running on all four limbs but could also walk on her rear legs. Her gigantic hands had fingers the thickness of fireplace logs.

For years the Angels had watched over their sister. They left her food and fresh water during harsh seasons. Created in the first group, she was a variant like Leviathan, so none wished her any harm. She was not responsible for her animalistic form, or the beastial state of mind, it was who she was. Still, they were unsure how to handle her. They didn't dare use their full divine abilities, so as not to cause permanent harm. They would have to find a way to stop her that would not injure Behemoth nor themselves.

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