12 Seconds Short of Eternity Ch. 11

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A warm glow began to develop in the sky with pink hues and purple low hanging clouds. Beeswax, thick and creamy, continued pooling at the bottom of nearly exhausted candles. Beelzebub was vanishing as fast as he could get words out of his mouth, only to reappear several minutes later with another report, over and over. Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief as the news was all he had hoped for.

The majority of the Angels would remain neutral. They would await the outcome of his confrontation with the lord, before proclaiming allegiance. His core group of followers, less Nicanor, whom Lucifer had dispatched on a mission, would be split into two groups. Half would go to the White Room with Carnaval and himself. If things escalated, and a fight was necessary, he would have another twenty Angels waiting nearby in the Souk. These twenty Angels could respond quickly, overwhelming resistance, thereby ensuring access to the White Room.

Only seven Angels overall were still not heard from.

The puppet, Sava, who was, as usual, unattainable in the White Room with the Lord. There was little probability of resistance from him anyways.

Gabriel, Yama, and Amaliel, were refusing to talk to Beelzebub. Telling him to return at dawn for their decision. That was where he had sent Beelzebub now.

Lastly, the three guardsmen of the Lord, Arcade the Swordsman, Hermes the Spear Master, and Seraph the Axe of God, these were a priority, and could spell trouble.

Adremelechk had tried talking to his wife Seraph, but she refused to answer.

Azazel spoke with his dad Hermes, and he gave the best answer of the three so far by stating simply 'undecided'.

Carnaval would address Arcade. He would be on duty when they arrived at the Great Hall. Unless Beelzebub returned with Amaliel, their best hope for a peaceful entry was going to fall on Carnaval's shoulders.

Lucifer looked out of his living room window, as the first rays of the sun broke free of the horizon. Nibble's sat on the windowsill, a bird bobbing on the front porch handrail had captured her attention. As it moved, her head followed.

He touched the back of the Nibbler's neck with his hand. Startled, she jumped and lost her balance. The chubby kitty fell from the window, landing hard on her side.

"I am sorry I startled you Nibbles," Lucifer laughed as he gathered her up. Struggling at first, she surrendered to him scratching her tummy, purring while he spoke to her.

'This is happening my snuggly kitty. We are gonna have a great day." He sat her back upon the windowsill and she stretched her body long, looking up at him, wanting more attention.

He turned away, walking to the kitchen as a softer thud sounded behind him. Nibbles now raced ahead. Methodically he poured water into a coffee pot. Scooping some ground beans from a jar, he poured it into a cheesecloth pouch, tied it shut and dropped into the water. He hooked the pot on a wire hanger then suspended it in the brick fireplace above the ashes. Grabbing a steel poker, he stirred the ashes to reveal the glowing embers, then added sticks to get a small fire going.

It dawned on him as he watched the flames take hold, he was at peace with today. He wondered why he wasn't more emotional, at least nervous. After all he was deposing his Father. Lucifer determined the confidence he felt inside had to come from the fact that this was the right thing to do.

This wasn't about him or his relationship with God, it was about what was best for the Angels. They wanted this, or they would have voted no at the meeting. It was their will, and he was just the figurehead. Unlike the All Father, Lucifer would give them what they needed to live as they should, as masters of their own destiny. He removed some goat out of the cold box and fed the Nibbler. Deep purrs of gratitude were still sounding in the kitchen as he went to the bedroom, to dress as the coffee water boiled.

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