Too Much the Same

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Leo stepped closer to Nico, closing in the the preferable proximity the other demigod chose to stand by. Nico visibly scowled and held up his hands signaling that it was too close. Leo took a step back and let out a deep sigh. He was way too uncomfortable with this and it was showing.

Leo couldn't go backing down now, one more step forward and it was practically do or die. Or maybe not do or die, but close to it.

"I may be in this sorta way which you consider weird or disgusting but...I'm gay." Leo blurted out.

Nico's face was a mirror of shock, but mostly pity. Nico knew exactly how it felt and wanted to give Leo a pat on the back for being so strong and confident enough to come out. Telling people who were supposedly your friends, but could turn on you in an instant once realizing you were different was bone chilling enough for Nico. He already didn't really didn't have anyone besides Hazel and Jason truly, no matter how hard the others tried to be his friend. And it would be great to see Leo as the happy-go-lucky person he used to be before Calypso. Nico wanted to bottle his feelings up and be a loner the rest of his life. Love wasn't worth the heartbreak in his opinion, so he mostly just kept to himself.

Leo looked just about ready to bolt out of the room before Nico smiled faintly. "Uh, it's okay Leo. It' with me. "

Leo smiled brightly and let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. Major relief, he thought, I thought for sure he was going to murder me.

Then a curiosity sprung up from the back of Nico's mind. The situation was already weird, and he didn't mean to be rude but....

Maybe the reason he told me face to face was because he has feelings for me. I won't be the oblivious idiot like Percy and not realize when someone likes you.

"Leo, did you by chance...tell me this because you like me?" Asked Nico bluntly. He didn't feel that way about Leo, but it wouldn't hurt to know.

Leo waved his hands and frantic motion and shook his head from side to side. "Noooooooo" he said dragging out the word.

The others, plus Nico, were attractive people-no, Leo couldn't deny that, but all of them were in a relationship besides Nico. Nico didn't seem like the type of person to be interested in a guy anyway. And to be honest, Nico seemed like he wasn't interested in anyone. " I'm actually not that gay." said Leo blushing furiously. "I'm bi...and prefer girls. "

Even with Leo being bisexual, he still didn't fail to throw out his ego of being 'bad boy supreme-the ladies love me', but this time it was tweaked just a little to show his current state 'bad boy supreme-the ladies and guys love me.'

"Oh okay." Said Nico nodding his head. It was a relief in way that Leo didn't like Nico, after all he wasn't ready for a relationship.

Leo gave a thumbs up, before waking over to the door, then smirked mischievously. "Hay Nico, you wouldn't look so bad for a boyfriend of mine. You-''

"Get out of my room, Valdez." Nico growled. Nico didn't need Leo throwing around rumors about him-even if they were true. And he most certainly didn't need that Spanish Santa elf being his boyfriend.


Nico grabbed his duffel bag from the chair it was thrown on the other night, and slung it over his shoulder. He was leaving today. Nico didn't know where he would go, just somewhere-away from here, away from Percy and Annnabeth. He trudged over to the wall where his sword hung loosely from a hook and strapped it to his belt.

No one except Jason knew he was leaving, and when he came back Hazel would surely scold him about not saying goodbye. It just wasn't in his nature to say it. Nico wasn't leaving for good anyway, right? Just a little while.

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