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Todoroki's Pov:

I began to laugh and pulled away leaving him look disappointed.

so Midoriya didn't pull away, that's something id never expect nor forget...

Midoriya spoke quietly "T-Todoroki do you w-want to get supplies for the trip t-t-together?"

the way Midoriya stuttered was utterly adorable, I wonder what other cute sounds could come from his mouth.

Bad shoto! stop those thoughts right now. But it is true god he'd look adorable all flustered~

I groaned loudly at my thoughts not realising that the boy must thought it was at him because his changed into a confused and sad look.

"Sorry Midoriya I kind of zoned out" I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, "but yeah that sounds fun" I smiled at the boy hoping it would reassure him

I'm guessing it did because his eye glimmered as his face contorted into a wide grin I love that grin he began mumbling and I caught somethings that he said

"hmmm Friday"

"no Saturday"

"um Midoriya?" I decided to try stop his mumbling

"actually Friday after school sounds good"

"but there's more time on Saturday"

"Midoriya." still no reply

"we could probably pack together on Saturday though"

"oh no what if I come across as clingy"

"Izuku!" with that his attention shot up and was focused on me, I've never called him Izuku before.

Midoriya's Pov

I kept mumbling about what my plans with Todoroki could be ,I really wanted to have fun and spend time with him because I usually don't get too. My thoughts were quickly interrupted as I heard a familiar voice call me by an unfamiliar name.


I looked up and saw a beautiful set of two lively eyes stare at me, Todoroki's. I loved the way my name sounded rolling of his tongue is that wrong? I realised I was staring too long at him and I could feel my face heat up, I quickly began waving my arms around apologising and trying to hide my face. He gave me a small smile, one that was barely there and that you could easily miss but luckily I didn't.

smiling really suits Todoroki I hope he does it more.

Uraraka's Pov:

I looked around as I opened the doors to the roof trying to find a familiar set of green curls. I didn't expect to see Todoroki there too, I hid behind a wall and began to observe them knowing that what I was doing was wrong but I couldn't prevent my curiosity from growing.

Jealousy. that's what I felt while watching them, Todoroki was millimetres away from Midoriya's lips with a wide smirk on his face, since when did Todoroki smirk? or even show emotions? Why do I get this feeling that I wish I was in his place? My thoughts began to go quiet as I watched Todoroki stare in confusion not realising why.

I kept watching I couldn't help it the jealousy was eating me up making me feel green with envy, I was afraid that if I looked away even for a second that id miss something. I noticed Midoriya getting flustered so I decided to approach

"Hello Deku~" I said as sweetly as I could trying to contain my bitter feeling.

He turned around and looked up at me, showing me his usual soft smile. The one he gave Todoroki seemed so much brighter now.

"Uraraka hey!" He radiated joy when he was talking, like a ray of sunshine

I noticed the light dust of pink disappeared from his face and he was back to his usual self, he's not flustered anymore. he quickly began adding me to the conversation talking about different hero's and recent lessons Todoroki on the other hand was barely participating answering with short sentences such as "yeah" and "okay or even just quiet hums.

Todoroki's Pov:

I lost interest in the conversations when Uraraka joined in, I observed Midoriya as his constellation filled cheeks would rise when he was talking about something that exits him, or how his eyes would slightly crease near his nose when he smiled to much, do his cheeks ever hurt frim being this happy? The thought of Midoriya in pain saddens me even though ill never show it.

I completely zoned out thinking about my upcoming plans with Midoriya, I wonder if he'll let me call him izuku, ill ask him on Saturday. Me and Midoriya settled on Saturday because I had a "Family" emergency, when I told him that he panicked asking if it was okay to go on Saturday seaming as it was an "emergency". God he worries too much about everyone.

(Time skip to Saturday because no interesting dialogue)

Todoroki's Pov:

The week went by rather quickly, everything was the usual. Bakugo yelling Kirishima calming him down, Midoriya being swarmed by Uraraka and Iida occasionally inviting me with them. I tried subtly flirting with Midoriya but I don't think he picked up in it even Uraraka noticed.

I now was sitting on a table waiting for the green locks to appear from the crowd, still no sign of him anywhere, I decided to not dress up and just go in black ripped jeans and a blue V-neck and some casual trainer. I'm glad I ordered a drink while waiting because the que seamed rather long, I ordered Midoriya one too hoping it wouldn't get cold and that he soon appeared, I felt a hand tap my shoulder so I turned around.

Green curls.

"Hey Todoroki!" Midoriya gave me a warm smile

"Hey Midoriya" I tried to sound as sweet as him but I don't think it worked

"so.. where to?" He radiated with excitement

"I need to pick up a some cloths, what about you?" I couldn't help but smile when his eyes lit up at the question

"well I need to get some cloths too, and some shoes, and some other things..." he then began to ramble, how cute

i couldn't help but smile knowing that id be spending a long time with Midoriya, i passed him his drink and we began to stroll and look around the huge mall not knowing what was going to happen eventually.


so I couldn't help but notice that I have 50 reads, like people are generally reading the trash I write

thanks for reading this attempt of a fan fiction and i hope you enjoy the next chapters

Word Count: 1070 Words

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