6- Grunge.

668 18 13

Todoroki's Pov:

I showed up at the familiar rundown bar, is became a second home to me. Somewhere that i coukd feel at ease at;now I'm to afraid to go in.

I pushed the door open onky to be greeted with a bundle of messy blonde hair jumping happily like a chihuahua,toga.

"SHOTO, SHOTO SHOTO!" High pitched squeals filled my ears.
"Awww~ why so cold all of a sudden" she pouted
"I don't know what your talking about" I pushed past her.

The thing about toga was that she would eventually get the truth our of me, and i don't know how to tell her about my recent fear.

"I'm just tired." Short and simple, she'll understand.

I sat down at the bar, laying my head down on the cool serface.

Shigaraki then entered the room, a sudden erieness took over the room like a wave.

"Oh look who we have here if it isn't the one and only todoroki shoto"
His menacing grin made me feel uncomfortable.

He then smiled at me more menacing than the previous so much evil was hidden behind it, this chap lips began to move saying words I would rather not hear

"Let's talk about our next mission, shall we?"

"As you know you will be going on a trip to a random location of course you will know this location cause, well you'll tell us" he looked me dead in the eyes

Our job is to capture bakugou kitsuki and convert m into our side because sensei (is that what he calls him idek anymore) thinks you'll be a great asset to the League of villains, during that we need to get rid of a couple student who will eventually end up as an obstacle to us our main target being..."

Then the words i didnt want to hear left his mouth

"Midoriya izuku"

A/nYeyeyeye i updated for like the first time In ages yeeee, anyways the nect chapter is being writer yeeehee
Also new book coming up :)
And sorry for the short chapter?

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