4 - Shopping trip part II

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Todoroki Pov:

Midoriya dragged me around the mall, he was emitting joy and he looked like a happy bunny with a jump in his step

But all good things come to an end eventually.

All of a sudden there was an explosion to our right, on top of the ruble stood dabi smirking wildly. I knew midoriya would jump in so i quickly grabbed him by the waist and pulled him close before he could jump into action. I knew that today would have come to an end but I didn't want to end the day with midoriya getting harmed.

I instantly shot ice towards dabi whilst picking up midoriya and carrying him elsewhere I knew that what I was doing was selfish knowing that midoriya would want to jump in and help whoever he could, Before midoriya could do anything about it I likely hit him on his neighbour causing him to go unconscious, I gently placed his body with somewhere where he be safe

I walk towards Dabi while he stood near the door preparing to walk out he looked up whilst lighting a cigarette using his flames.

"Out of all days you had to choose this one" irritation laced my voice

"Awww did i ruin you poor date.
Dont forget the deal shoto~" he spoke teasingly, entertaining himself in the process

And i knew exactly what he ment by deal,i looked over at midorya and he started to move aroud. I have to hurry up.

Dabi turned to midoriya a wide smile on his burnt features, my eyes widened at what he was about ot do,
He was going to hurt amidoriya .

I cant let that happen, not to him. I have to protect him, even if i throw away the trust placed in me by others.


Hey waddup so i finally updated a short part
Then next chapter will hopefully be longer than this one and may be out at january because

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