7 - spiral

705 20 22

"Our main target being..."

"Midoriya Izuku"

Todoroki's Pov:

They wanted me to hurt Izuku,my Izuku. Time felt like it froze in place,
I simply nodded keeping my cool (get it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )expression shigaraki noticed that I was quiet, oddly quiet.

"You know shoto it's rather strange that your so quiet, is it not Kurogiri?"

"I agree with you he's usually more excited than toga and that truly is an achievement in itself"

I could tell that all the suspicion was on me then; that everyone was wondering why my sudden change but then toga spoke up and I've never been more appreciative towards her than at that moment.

"Oh he's just tired from today that's why he's being so moody with me" she pouted

I could tell I still wasn't convincing shigaraki although everyone else just brushed it off

"Then why don't you just go to sleep for the time being then we wouldn't want you to be unfocused" he smiled slyly at me and I didn't believe he that that he wanted me to truly go it was unlike him, but I still went.

As I walked through the dusty corridors I couldn't help but think back on me and midoriya would walk through the school when doing little tasks Aizawa, I could feel a smile forming on my face, A smile that only midoriya could put there. I reached my room I open the door to reveal explain decor just a rusty bed , a crumbling bedside table and finally a small desk towards the corner with pictures and papers plastered on the wall above.

As I laid down on my bed my thoughts began to Spiral into a chaotic mass of anxiety and dismay

They want to kill him, oh god no.
No no no no NO
Please anyone but midoriya
Pleaseanyone i implore you to spare him, spare him, spare him, SPARE HIM

I Began to talk out my hair hoping and wishing that all these thought would disappear just like the problem that I was currently facing,  but no it was not that easy and It never will be. soon a deranged lock cast upon my eyes and I couldn't help but begin to scream out my thoughts.

I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't let them hurt him. I chatted this as if I ever stopped I would completely forget the thought my efforts to save him would vanish

I will not let them hurt him, even if it ends me in the process. I'll do anything just for him.
because midoriya forever be a shining Beacon of hope not just for me but for everyone around him and in this world filled with fake heroes of fake news he will be the only true thing.

Soon enough I fell asleep screaming till the darkness consumed me an inevitable slumber.

Am I actually posting like recently,surpisigly yes, ive been on like a huge hiatus but im back from the dead  maybe the next chapter is going to be like out soon because I'm in an artistic writing spree thingy Mobobby

Anyways thanks for reading this chapter :)

-tish 💤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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