Chapter 7: Louis My Savior (Nouis)

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      A/N I give you all full permission to kill me with pitchforks. I'm so sorry for not updating in like... almost 2 weeks? This chappie might be a little shorter, I'm not really sure. Thank you for the amazing comments you've been leaving, don't stop! (Thats what she said heheh) Anywhooo, I've decided to add some Nouis action to this story! Cause not a lot of people make Nouis stories and I think it's interesting? Lets see how it goes.... ALSOO a big big big THANK YOU to itsbelleyoo for great cover! Enough of my blabbing, heres Chapter 7 :)

   ~Niall's POV~ (Oh no you didn't!) (Oh yes I did)

   "Leeeeyummm!" I exclaimed, while frantically wiggling my small body to escape, with no avail. "Liam, help me!" I got no answer. Why was everybody torturing me today? First, Liam accidentally slammed the door in my face this morning not knowing I was behind it. Then, Harry ate all my waffles during breakfast while I was in the bathroom. And now Zayn shoved me into the small space behind the couch just because I was teasing him on the inhumane height of his hair.

   Thankfully my attempts at being rescued worked out because the next thing I knew 2 muscular arms gripped me under my arm pits and started to pull me out of the cramped space. As I was placed on my feet I inhaled an overwhelming scent of peppermint and Yorkshire tea. I lifted up my head to meet a pair of ocean blue eyes.

  "You okay, Ni?" Asked a sweet Doncaster accent. So much more delicate than my own deep Irish voice.

   I smiled, "Yeah, thanks Lou." Louis was sort of my savior. He would help me out when I got hurt and stand up for me when the other lads would mess with me, yet we didn't talk about it much. No one thinks that me and him are close. Because in a way we're not, everyone connects him with Harry but I've always felt that we have some sort of connection that is beyond words.

    "Is mean ol' Zayn messing with you again? He said, closing one eye and using his right pointer finger as a hook, imitating a pirate.

  I chuckled and then sighed before replying, "Yes, sort of, but I'm used to it by now, even if he does mean it as a joke." I locked eyes with him once again and noticed a new emotion flashing, anger?

  He placed his large hands firmly on my shoulders, "It shouldn't matter if he's joking or not, It's physically and emotionally hurting you, Ni. I can tell, and you shouldn't let any of them do that to you" He said sincerely, still keeping intense eye contact that was making me more nervous by the second. He was right though, it did hurt my feelings how everyone chose me to tease. Everyone, besides Louis that is. But why did he care so much? I'm just a scrawny, short, blond kid. Even the fans know that my looks don't compare to the rest of the lads.

  "Lou...why, um. H-how come...?" I stuttered, he gave me a look as though telling me to continue on.

  "Louis, why do you always help me out? Like why are you so protective of me?" I got out. He took a step back. Ugh, why did I have to bring it up? Suddenly I noticed that he has a slightly worried expression, before he quickly covered it up with a smile.

  "What do you mean Ni? We're best mates, of course I'll help you out, right?" He said kindly, sweeping some of his brown, feathery, fringe out of his eyes. Then he walked towards the kitchen and starting peering into the fridge. I was left a little disappointed, for reasons unknown.

  A cacophony of laughter erupted down the hall and Zayn, Liam, and Harry walked into the kitchen. Zayn sat next to me and ruffled my hair, earning a hard glare from me.

 "Oi, Niall. So you got of your...erm.. situation?" He said, muffling a laugh. Liam and Harry, however, didn't even try to hold in their laughter. I decided to take Louis' advice so I sat up tall in my chair and shot another glare towards the 3 of them.

  "Yeah, no thanks to any of you. Except Louis, he's the only one with the decency to help me out!" I spat out. They looked back at me a little surprised, eyebrows raised. Louis, who was in the other side of the kitchen gave me a small smile and a thumbs up.

   Liam walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke up, "Sorry Nialler, We didn't mean it to seem serious, it was just a joke." A pair of muffled 'yeahs' came from Harry and Zayn. Louis decided to also step in and he slammed a magazine down hard on the kitchen table.

   "You all seriously need to watch your attitudes, you think Niall deserves that kind of shit from his so-called mates? No, he doesn't so the 3 up you better get yourselves in check." He stated. I gasped, but I don't think anyone noticed. Does he...does he really care about me that much? But why.

  Zayn ad Harry simply looked at their laps and slowly nodded. Liam, however cleared his throat and went on, "Erm, well yes. Anyways, management called and we've got something to add to the schedule."

   I scoffed, of course Daddy Direction would be back, laughing and fun side of Liam tended to disappear quite quickly.

   The rest of the lads groaned. "But we're on vacation! What the hell do they want us to do this time?" Zayn added, clearly pissed off.

  "It's nothing too bad. They just want us to get used to the recording studio that we'll be using soon so tomorrow we'll be checking the studio and hanging out there." Liam answered. I felt a warm presence on my left thigh so I nonchalantly turned my head and saw that it was Louis' hand, rubbing my thigh in slow circular patterns, I stiffened but then relaxed at his touch.

  I tried to pay attention to the rest of the conversation, but he was making it difficult. I did notice, however, Harry perking up and grinning from ear to ear.

 "So we're going to be hanging out there? Does that...mean I can bring a friend? He asked, cautiously.

 "Does this friend have shiny brown hair and fluorescent hazel eyes?" Zayn teased, locking his fingers together and placing  them on his cheek while looking at the ceiling dreamily. That earned a smack from little Harold.

  "Oww..." Zayn complained, rubbing his arm and pouting. While Harry still looked at Liam questioningly.

   Liam sighed, "Yes Harry, you can bring Jamie Lynn." Harry grinned even wider. "Now all of you, get dressed, we're going out to eat." With that, the rest of the lads got up and ran to get ready.

   I glanced and Louis and looked deep in thought. So I awkwardly got up and started to slowly walk to my room. I only started walking a few feet when my back was suddenly slammed against the kitchen counter. I gasped and saw Louis' face, dangerously close to mine.

  " By the way Louis, t-thanks for sticking up f-for me b-back t-there." I choked out, remembering that I hadn't thanked him yet until now.

   I felt his hot breath against my neck as he started to lean closer. He slowly started to nibble at my ear before seductively whispering, "No problem, Ni..."

   And before I knew it he was gone, leaving me shuddering and my heart beating a million miles per second.

Yes. If you couldn't tell, I might have been slightly crushing on Lou.

But he was only being nice to me because he was a good friend. There's no way he'd ever feel the same way.


But then again, we are in New York City.

 Who knows what could happen here?


A/N Hope you liked that! Let me know if you like the whole 'Nouis' addition to the chapter. Alsoo answer these questions:

1) What do you think will happen next between Niall & Louis?

2) Do you think Louis likes Niall or is he just being a good friend? ;)

3) How do we feel about Jarry? (Jamie and Harry)

4) Why is Louis Tomlinson so flippin dreamylicious?

5) How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

  The world may never know......

New York, New York ~A Harry Styles/Nouis FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now