Twenty Three

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And then they were outside the conference room, outside the building and back on the street. Jayce waved at them from his cruiser. Ellie checked to see if Tila was looking and when she was sure she wasn't, shyly waved back.

Tila had her back to Jayce and glared at Conway's building while Malachi squeezed her shoulder.

Tila met his eyes, her face full of questions.

'I don't know what happened,' he admitted. 'The data made sense.'

'So why didn't they believe it?'

'I don't know.'

'It was all there, wasn't it? You didn't miss anything?'

Malachi shook his head sadly. Tila palmed the chip into his chest.

'So why didn't they believe it?'

'I don't know.'

* * * * *

Inside the conference room, Conway stared at the wall behind three empty seats. Mr Yoshihiro pressed a button on a panel next to the door. A series of symbols appeared in blue, then turned green.

'We have privacy.'

Mr Yoshihiro sat opposite Conway and pressed his fingertips carefully against the surface of the table as if testing it could support the burden of their conversation it was about to hear.

'I wish we had thought to do that before they started talking,' Conway muttered.

'It is doubtful anyone knew this meeting was about to happen.'

'At least two others knew she was in the city.' Conway spoke carefully, clearly, and considered every word. The bluster and dismissive attitude of the earlier meeting had vanished, and he now spoke with a voice that had become knives of ice. 'I need to know who she has spoken to. I need to know what they told her. Find out. And get me a meeting with the other investors immediately.'

'Yes, Mr Conway, of course. I believe you also have a call to make.'

'Of course I do!' snapped Conway. He squeezed a thumb and finger together which then turned into a fist he banged on the table. 'We are this close, Toma. I can't have Grace's daughter running around Parador telling stories. We have worked too long and too hard, and the cost has been... bah!'

'The cost has been exceptional,' finished Toma Yoshihiro as he stood up, but Conway was already punching buttons on a communicator. He held the device to his ear and waited for the change in tone that told him someone had answered.

'Conway?' said a voice.

'I've just had a very interesting meeting with a young lady, Tila Vasquez.' He paused to listen. 'I'm as surprised as you. No, she doesn't. No. No, I don't. Obviously, I didn't know! Is this going to be a problem? Good. Then I suggest you find her first!'

Conway punched the button to close the channel and slammed the communicator down on the table.

'Miss Vasquez believes you are hiding something, said Mr Yoshihiro.

'How perceptive she must be.'

Mr Yoshihiro placed a second steaming cup in front of Conway and resumed his seat.

'I am sure the situation will be resolved, Mr Conway,' said Yoshihiro smoothly. 'Please, drink your tea.'

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