Twenty Six

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They left the underground garage and passed through a sliding door made of black glass. It was opaque when viewed from the garage, but once inside the house Tila could see the garage though the door and its generous array of luxury vehicles.

Jayce led them across the hallway decorated in a smooth white stone veined with blue and green, past guest reception rooms and then through another door.

Behind this was a short staircase which Jayce followed down. At the bottom of the stairs the air was warmer and humid, and through a clear circle in a frosted glass door they saw the pool.

'You can swim, right?' Jayce asked as he pulled the heavy door open. More warm, moist air flooded the stairwell.

Malachi and Tila both confirmed that they could, but Ellie just bit her lip and shook her head nervously.

'I've never seen that much water before!'

'You don't have to don't drink it, Ellie,' teased Malachi.

Ellie gave him a playful shove. 'I know not to drink the water you swim in Mal. It will be mostly engine grease.'

'You could drink it if you wanted,' said Jayce. 'No one's used the pool for twenty-four hours and that's enough time for the filters to have purified it all. On the other hand, it means the household staff won't have anything to do. What do you think, Tila? A complete waste of money?' He winked.

Tila was torn. It clearly was a waste of money, anyone could see that. On the Juggernaut this much fresh water would be worth a fortune. But then, she had loved swimming ever since her mother taught her a lifetime ago. She hadn't been in a pool in nearly ten years.

'Maybe,' she said.

'Tell you what, as it's already here, I won't judge if you have a swim, okay? And Ellie, if you don't know how to swim I could—'

Tila cut him off. 'She'll be fine with us, Jayce.'

'What do we wear?' said Malachi, changing the subject.

Jayce pointed to an archway they had not yet noticed at one end of the pool. 'There's guest rooms and showers though there, and a gym you're welcome to use. You know, in case a gentle swim is too relaxing. I know how you three love excitement.'

'Where will you be?' said Ellie.

'I have to get things ready for tonight. Take your time. I'll send someone to clean your clothes, or I can find you something else to wear. I know it's been a tough day, but just relax for now. Have fun!' He winked at Ellie and left.

'Well?' said Malachi to Tila. 'Shall we?'

Tila gazed at the water, longing to dive in and at the same time wanting to refuse anything Jayce offered.


'Well I'm going in,' said Ellie, and hurried to get changed.

'You can't swim, El,' Malachi reminded her.

Ellie called back just before she passed under the arch, 'Then you had better make sure I'm safe. And you too, Tila.'

Malachi started after her. Tila grabbed him by the arm.

'Mal, wait.'

'Tila, stop worrying. I know you find Jayce irritating but I don't think he's a bad guy.'

'He's still an idiot.'

'Maybe he is.' Tila raised one questioning eyebrow. 'Okay, he is, but there's no danger here. This place is nothing like home.'

That's exactly what bothers me Mal, she thought. The unfamiliar. This place is nothing like home. The danger is different. That's why I'm afraid I won't see it coming.

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