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Standing in front on my full length mirror I was holding different shirts up to me and seeing how they looked on me. "Do you think this would be too much?" I asked Ally. I decided on a black of shoulder crop top and black skinny jeans. Ally shook her head. "No." She says. "But if this is all supposed to be fake why are you trying to impress her?"

I shrugged "I mean I do have a reputation to keep up. I always have to look good Ally, you know that." I told her. "Really? Because I think you're starting to like a certain brunette." Ally says. I blushed a little. "I mean she's very pretty but I doubt that she likes me." I said. Ally scuffs "oh don't be modest Lauren. Dinah's totally into you." She says.

I turned to look at her "do you really think so?" I asked. "Totally Lo! I've seen the way she looks at you." Ally says. "Just tell me Lo, when did this stop being fake?" I sighed as I turned back around. "When she asked me to prom." I said. "So are you still trying to make Cabello jealous?" Ally asked. I shook my head "no, I think I'm finally over her and can move on to someone who really likes me." I said. Ally squeals "oh Lauren I'm so happy for you!" She said as she hugs me. I giggled "me too Ally." I said. "Me too."

After getting ready I said my goodbyes to Ally and headed off to the go meet Dinah at the amusement park. As I got into my car I had to remind myself that tonight was going to be great and I just had to stop over thinking. I wasn't going to let anything ruin this night. Nothing!

"Hey gorgeous." Dinah said when she sees me.

I smiled as I walked over to her and hugged her. "Hey baby!" I greeted. "So what would you like to do first?" She asked. I smirked "bumper cars." I said. Dinah giggles as she grabs my hand and walked inside. This was going to be fun.

"You totally cheated." Dinah pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "You're just jealous because I won and you didn't." I bragged and stuck out my tongue. Dinah looks at me as a small smirk forms on her lips. "Fine if that's the case let's shoot hoops then." She said. I nodded "ok."

Ok maybe I shouldn't have bragged as much as I did before because I am losing miserably right now. "Not so big and bad now are you Jauregui." Dinah teased. I glared at her as I aimed for the basket  before attempting to make a basket. I missed, again. "Ok Dinah we get it, you're amazing." I said with fake annoyance. Dinah chuckled as she made the last basket. "Damn right I am." She said. I shook my head as I hugged her. "You're so-"

"Hey Lauren!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes at the annoying voice. "Hey Camila." I said with a fake smile. "I feel like us running into each other so often is like fate, you know." She says. I held back the eye roll I really wanted to do. "I don't think it's that." I muttered. Camila laughed like I said the funniest thing ever. "Oh Lauren you have always been so funny!" She gushed as she ran her hand up and down my arm before holding my hand.

I removed my hand from hers as I stepped closer to Dinah. "That's funny because when we dated you said my jokes and humor sucked." I reminded her. Camila huffs as she crossed her arms over her chest. "God Lauren do you always have to be such a downer?" She asked angrily. Shawn snickered "I mean you did say she was a cutter in middle school. So of course she's a downer."

The minute the word left his mouth I felt my heart break. I can't believe she told this poser my darkest secret. "Really Camila? Are you serious right now? God I can't believe you would stoop this low as to tell this asshole my secrets." I said. "How could you?" Camila frowns "he wasn't supposed to tell anyone-"

"You weren't supposed to tell anyone!" I screamed. "I fucking trusted you and like always you stabbed me in the back. Thanks a lot Karla."

Grabbing Dinah's hand I walked away from Camila and her ass hat of a boy toy. I can't believe that she told him. I wonder who else she told my secrets to. "LoLo are you ok?" Dinah asked carefully. I shook my head as tears fell from my eyes. "No." I whispered. It didn't take long for Dinah to wrap her arms around me and hug me tightly as I cried on her shoulder.

I know I shouldn't care but I do. I trust Camila with such a huge secret and the minute we're over she runs and tells Shawn about my past. How could she! I would never do that to her. Never!

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