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I was giggling as Dinah told me another joke for this joke app that she had downloaded on her phone. "Why did you download that app?" I asked with a small giggle.

Dinah smiled at me. "Because I know how much you love jokes and I was bored." She tells me. I giggled "you're adorable DJ." I said as I sat next to her on the floor. Dinah smiled "thanks LoLo!" She says.

I smiled at her as I turned to face her. "So have you brought your homecoming dress because I brought mine and I can't wait until you see it." I explained as I clapped my hands together. Dinah raised an eyebrow and smirks. "Yes but you can't see it until homecoming night." She said.

I pouted "aw you're not fun." I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest. Wrapping her arms around my waist Dinah giggled as she kissed my cheek. "You're adorable when you pout." She said. I smiled a little "always such the charmer." I said. She pecked my lips. "Only for you."

Gently brushing my hair out of my face Dinah smiled at me as she studies my face. "I know this whole thing was supposed to be fake, but I really like you Lauren and I want what we have to be real." She says. "If that's ok with you."

I bowed my head as my cheeks heated up. "If I'm being honest I have never felt this way about anyone the way I feel about you and that makes me nervous because I really like you Dinah but I'm scared I might ruin things between us and I don't want that." I told her. Dinah cupped my cheek as she kissed me softly. I kissed back slowly as I wrapped my hand around her neck.

Pulling away Dinah smiles at me. "You're not babe. I want this, I want you and to me that's all that matters." She tells me. I kissed her cheek. "And I want you."


Walking into school the next morning I sighed when I saw Camila standing by my locker. "What do you want Camila?" I asked. She smiled at me as she fix her extremely reveling leather crop top. "I was hoping we could talk." She says. I thought for a second before agreeing because honestly I feel like we could both use the closure.

Following her down the hallway I didn't get to ask her anything before I was slammed against the wall and roughly kissed by Camila. I moaned in surprise and tried to push her off.

"Really Lauren!"

Camila moved away from me and turned to smirk at Dinah. "You can't be surprised Hansen? I mean we both knew who she would choose in the end and it looks like the better girl won." She says.

Looking at Dinah my heart broke when I saw a tear roll down her cheek. "Dinah-" she stopped me by raising her hand. "Don't. I mean I knew this was a possibility but I thought by opening up and telling you my real feelings I thought you would actually choose me. I guess I was wrong." She said sadly as she turned to walk away.

"Dinah please!" I begged as I quickly grabbed her hand.

Dinah turned to me and yanked her hand away. "Lauren nothing you can say will fix this. I love you but unfortunately you're still in love with Camila. So what's the point in trying. It's over." She said as she walked off to class.

Watching her walk away hurt because I could have avoided all of this but I wanted closure but that only led me to losing the best thing that has ever happened to me. What am I going to do? I need to fix this because I can't lose her. I just can't.

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