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Tonight was the night of homecoming and I was looking in the mirror to make sure that I had everything perfect because I wanted Dinah to know that I was serious when I said that I wanted to be with her. I know it didn't seem like it when Camila basically corned me and kissed me, but I promise I want no one else but Dinah Jane.

"You look beautiful honey." My mom said. "So who's your date?"

I sighed "no one right now because I messed that up." I told her. My mom nodded as she sat down on my bed. "What happened?" She asked. "Camila said that she wanted to talk to me and I agreed because I think we both need closer from our relationship and I thought nothing of it. However her version of talking was slamming me up against the wall and kissing me roughly." I told her. "Unfortunately before I could push her off Dinah saw and she ended things with me right on the spot and now I'm trying to fix things with her because I really want her back. I love her mom." I had tears in my eyes when I finally said I love Dinah.

My mom hugged me. "Well if you love her so much then go get her! Show her just how much you love and want to be with her." She tells me. I smiled "thank you mom." I said. She kissed my forehead. "You're welcome darling."

Arriving at the dance I nervously played with my ring as I walked over to Normani. "Is she here?" I asked. Normani nodded "yeah it took a lot to get her here. Don't mess this up." She tells me. I nodded "I won't." I said as I walked inside.

My heart was beating super fast when I spotted her. It was no surprise that Dinah would look beautiful, but to me she looked absolutely radiant. With a deep breath I walked over to her. "Hey Dinah." I greeted shyly. She rolled her eyes when she saw me. "What do you want Jauregui?" She asked. "Shouldn't you be all over Cabello? I mean you got what you wanted, you got Camila back."

Ok I deserve that. "Dinah I don't want her back. I want you. This kiss between Camila and I meant nothing." I told her. Dinah just shrugged "whatever Jauregui." She mumbled before walking away. My face fell as I watched her walk away. This was going to be harder than I originally had thought. I just hope what I have planned works.


Halfway through the night I noticed that Dinah was sitting by herself and it broke my heart to see how sad she looks. I needed to fix this. Gulping down my drink I headed over to her. "Would you like to dance?" I asked softly. Dinah shook her head. "Not with you." She said coldly. I signed and without thinking I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet before walking towards the exist.

"Jauregui where are you taking me?" Dinah asked angrily.

I smiled at her "just wait and see." I told her. "But I don't want to go anywhere with you." She spat. I frowned "I know but just please give me a chance. I want to fix this." I told her. Dinah rolls her eyes but agreed to let me try and fix this. I smiled as I continued walking towards the backdoor.

Stepping outside I lead her towards the garden where her favorite song was playing softly in the background. "What is all of this?" Dinah asked curiously. I smiled as I took her hands in mine. "This is my way of saying sorry. I love you Dinah and I want no one else but you." I told her honestly.

"But how can I trust you again? How do I really know that I'm the one you really want and Camila's not?" She asked.

I smiled at her "because I'm not in love with her. She doesn't make my heart beat a million miles per hour when I'm around her. I don't see her when I picture my future." I said. "I love you Dinah Jane and I really want you back because I truly can't see myself with anyone else but you." I told her.

Dinah pushed her hair behind her ear as she looks at me with her big brown eyes. "Do you really mean that? Because I'm not sure I can go through anymore heartbreak if you don't." She said on the verge of crying. I smiled as I gently wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her softly. "Every word." I told her. Dinah smiled "then you have me." She said softly before kissing me again.

Our love story was ideal or perfect but it was our and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. I love Dinah and I couldn't wait to see what the future held for us because this right here was only the beginning. There was so much left for us and I couldn't wait to see what else we would conquer together because we were just getting started.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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