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Louis was back at his house as soon as Jay arrived  a week later Anne got there and louis was thankful for all the help, he was on his last day of school before summer break, and harry has having his 2nd to last concert of his tour before he went on break for 1 year , well a semi break as he still wanted to write music, as soon as louis got home  he just sat down he was tired to say the least but at least he was able to finished the last school day of the school year

"mom, i am so tired, and the twinkies are so active look my belly looks weird, look at this" louis says as he lifts his shirt and his stomach was in a weird shape"babies your poppa will be home sunday night and you promised to wait for him to get home"

"yeah right if those kids are are stubborn as you and Harry i say they will be here either tonight or tomorrow night I'll even give them sunday morning" Jay says

"wanna make it interesting, we havent taken Harrys money in a while" Anne says

"wait wait, we have 5 kids we cant afford for harry to pay out anymore money, maybe your own money"

"so as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted by your son" Anne continues" i say twinkies will be born sunday before midnight how does $200 sound"

"hmm i say saturday before midnight" Jay says as she extend her hand to seal the deal with Anne

"Seriously both of you are horrible my children one day will no longer be able to eat because you both have taken Harrys money"

"you will be fine" Anne says" he is an amazing songwriter and singer you have nothing to worry about" and before Louis can respond there was a room full of people walking in

"liam help me mom and Anne are placing bets when the twinkies are going to be here, tell them to stop taking Harrys money"

"wait I want in on this" Liam says "Ill pay with my own money"

"wait let me get a calendar, any one else" Jay says as she goes gets the calender that was in the office

"i should of kept my big mouth shut" louis says loudly as he sees everyone reaching for their pockets to take out money "you know what fuck it i say it will be anytime tonight put my name if i loose harry can pay"

"all of a sudden someone wants to play with Harrys money" Zayn says

"well considering i am 2 days over due and miserable, i might as well have some fun" Louis says as he puts his feet on top of Zayns lap

"you know what i don't want friday, put me down for tuesday before midnight" louis says

"ok we got everyones money" anne says as she puts it into an evelope and seals it

"wait till I tell harry about this" louis says as his phone starts to ring and well it was Harry "Hey babe, how are you, i have you on speaker everyone is over"

"im good and your how are you feeling"

"im tired, so i want to tell you what Your family did, they placed bets when the twinkies would be here at $200 a per date they pick, can you believe that" louis says as Niall takes the phone away from Louis

"yeah and Louis picked tuesday" Niall says" and you get to pay the debt as well as Jays and Anne's"

"if this keeps going im gonna have to keep touring to pay off everyones bets" harry says laughing "but ill take a piece of that bet, what dates are available"

"well we have today thursday and next friday have spaces" anne says

"put me for tonight, and next thursday, lou get the money from the safe" harry says "and might as well pay my moms and Jays and yours"

No More Hiccups - larry stylinson  mpregWhere stories live. Discover now