The Verdict

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I walked in, my eyes directed at the group so they couldn't see the fear in my eyes. I did not want to appear weak. 

"Miss Clarke" Mr. Howard's voice interrupted the silence. "We want nothing more than to believe you, however, you're refusal to disclose the name of who put you up to this prevents us from doing that. Because of this, you are to await board hearing, unless you reveal you're the co-conspirator. 

I looked up hopefully, that really didn't sound too bad. All I would have to do was lay low until the next board hearing, and then they would see what to do with me. I was safe, for a least a little while. 

They must have seen my relieved expression. I saw Mrs. Miller looking at me sadly, and Mrs. Carrigan spoke up. "Not here Parker" I was so confused, they were sending me home? I would have to deal with my parents' anger. I could literally not imagine anything worse. Confusion had to have been written all over my face. "Where then?" I asked. Mr. Prescott took a deep breath before answering my question. "The Quarters" was all he said. 

No. No no no no no. I had so many questions. The Quarters exists? I was going there? For how long? 

"This is final, Clarke. The next meeting should be in a few weeks, but the process may move slightly faster if you  reveal the name." 

He was obviously trying to scare me into telling on Amber. I needed to speak to her. I was not going to tell on her, but maybe  I could convince her to turn herself in. She usually listened to me. 

About Amber, I may have misled you when I described her as the girl that made me into her drug mule. She was a lot more to me than that. Not only was she my boyfriend's sister, but she was my friend. 

I knew that I  was important to her so maybe I had a chance. I knew Mike was probably going to kick her ass when his suspicions were confirmed. But I knew in my heart, that no one would beat herself up more than she would. 

Still, in a state of shock,  I stood up to leave. I knew I should wait until they dismissed me. I really could not care less right now. "Lockwood Hall, 5 pm. Don't forget, and don't try to hide, we will find you. " Mr. Howard called after me. I didn't acknowledge what he said I walked out. 

I had to get back to my dorm. I didn't know if it even mattered if I went to class, but I wasn't going even if it did. 

The first thing I did when I got back to my room was light a cigarette. It was the only thing that could calm me down even a little bit. I had a list of people that I knew I needed to talk to before tonight. Amber. Mike. Lauren. Eliza and Chloe. Mrs. Miller. My parents. And the rest of my friends. It was 11:17. I still had time. 

The first needed to be my parents. I called my mom first and then my dad. They were both furious and really did not take it seriously when I told them I was going to prison. Because in a sense I was. When I mentioned it to my father he told me its what I deserved. All my mom wanted to know was why. "That's not something you need to do, we give you everything you could possibly want. You go to an expensive school, you wear expensive clothes and we bought you a brand new expensive car "she said referring to my new 2018 Porsche cayenne. "What else? What more do you want," she asked. 

I had no answer for it. It just kind of happened. I have no idea how but all of the sudden I ended up too deep in to climb back out. 

 Next up on the list was my friends. Our group consisted of seven of us, Lauren, Eliza, Chloe and I and three others. I was scared to see their reactions when they found out. I texted them all to meet me. When everyone was there, I began. I told them all of it. The three that hadn't known were shocked. They all looked at me, most of them gaping. 

The first person that spoke was my friend Brooke. "what's your punishment?" she asked. I inhaled, caught off guard by her question. 

You see, the Quarters is a rumor. No one knows if it actually exists or not. But today I found out and was told that no matter what I was not allowed to tell anyone where I was going. 

"Um, well" I began. "I'm suspended for the next few weeks, but I'll be back." I lied. 

They all simultaneously breathed a sigh of relief, and I felt bad for misleading them. 

"So, we'll see you in a few weeks then, Park," Chloe said. A pang of guilt hit me. The only thing I wanted to do was tell them the truth. I just prayed to god that the board what cut me a little slack and I would be back at some point.

I hugged all of them except Lauren who still sat there narrowing her eyes at me. We both knew that we had to talk separately. And I could tell that she knew I was lying. She knew me better than almost anyone else in the world. 

They all got up to leave except for Lauren. I knew I needed to sound like I believed myself so she would believe me. I mentally prepared myself as I turned to her. 

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